Awaiting to arbitrage Taiwan stock Carry Technology 3054
Do you know the clarion call “Buy low, Sell high”?
It is every investor wish to achieve “buy low and sell high”.
As this method minimize investment risks and increase profits at the same time.
Is it that really so simple to do it?
The answer will be revealed soon…
Look at the following chart: Taiwan stock Carry Technology Co Ltd 3054
According to the chart’s indication, Taiwan stock Carry Technology 3054 stock price increased from the original NT $ 14.15 up to NT $ 24.60 from February 27 to April 2. Within a month, it generated a profit of about NT $ 10.45.
Obviously, SPICY CHILLI + OLA is a good tool to make quick money, as you don’t have to hold your funds for waiting for an opportunity to reap profit.
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Question: What are the color features signify?
This is INSIDERS‘ latest feature called RAINBOW.
Its function is to help investors to differentiate investments’ risks.
Red, indicating the risky zone – not recommended to approach the market.
Green, indicating the safe zone – waiting for an opportunity to approach the market coupled with the signals.
The blue and yellow color zone – each representing the fast zone of shares that can earn quick money or use short-term arbitrage.
The chart indicated that the Taiwan stock Carry Technology still has the capacity to rise. OLA also show the future rise direction at the same time, so you can continue to hold and wait to take profits.
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