“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki – Investment ways

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Perhaps you are blaming your parents for giving birth to you in a poverty stricken environments and not with a silver spoon in the mouth.
Blaming them for not being able to pay for your college fees,etc……

Did you ever wonder that there are people out there living in a worse condition than you?

They won’t let poverty be a deterrent to their progress in life. They struggled hard to change their own life destiny.

So, why can’t you?

In the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, it is stated that the major different between a poor man and rich man is their mentality towards money.

Poor men refuses to take risks, as most of them are steeped in fear when money is concerned. They just want to live their life with steady incomes and comforts. They are hesitant in changing. At such, they feel satisfied to continue working each day in return of a paltry salary.

As for rich men, they would not like to affix any label for themselves to determine any variant fixed lifestyles. They are willing to take risks and failures, thus they are always constantly thinking of ways to improve themselves to earn more.

This is the real different between a poor and rich man.

If you don’t like your current condition, then you must change your mind set! Change it to a rich man mind set!. This will definitely enable you to achieve financial freedom in a foreseeable future.

Rich man do not work for money,instead they let money work for him and investment is one of the best ways to let make money work for you.

Most of the time people get beaten at investing; as they deem it too complicated and instantly their hard earnings may vanish in a blink of an eye!

In fact, this is purely a subjective matter that human perceived!

With the advancement of technology, investment has become easier for people. The most commonly used fundamental and technical analyses are no longer important and relevant when conducting trading in the stock market.

Now, you do not have to sit in front of the computer for 24-7 (hour/day), watching the stock market movements; you also do not have to wake up early just to go and grab the newspapers and browse on the current markets’ news.

You can even treat investment as a sideline earning, to help you reap passive income!

As long as you are willing to initiate the first step, you are a step closer to your life dreams.

So what is holding you up and why not start NOW and set yourself along the road to financial at the soonest possible?

For more information, kindly call our hotlinks at 04- 8913 200 or visit us at http://www.FatnRich.com

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Financial Bandwagon Effect

Herd Mentality —— Is one who lacks confident and firmness in decision-making or taking, leading him/her to act in a parallel manner conscientiously according to the majority of people surround. It is the inherent human nature to have this instinct that following the majority is most secure, safe and right.

For example in a clothing store,
if one person buy clothing in the store – there is nothing special about it;

but subsequently if there are two or three persons arithmetically progressing and eventually turning into a crowd ;

the impression created is that there is a Cheap Sale going on there!

—— This is the bandwagon effect!


Let’s take an example; Wrights Brothers are United States aircraft inventors.

Most people had the obscure thought that it is impossible for aircraft to fly in the sky with its own power.

flying machine







Assuming that you are living at that era, what do you think? Can aircraft fly?

During the nineteen century, people initially have faith in the Wright Brothers, but due to many flight failures and accidents, they gradually lost their confidence.
They persuaded the Wrights Brothers to give up their research but they persisted until they were successful.

Their efforts were paid off the instance they succeeded in their first flight in year 1903 and later founded the Wright Brothers Aircraft Company in year 1909.
What would have happened at that point of time, if the Wrights has listened to the people advices and give up their research ? Aircraft would not be in existence today!
Aircraft is one of mankind greatest inventions!

In the finance world, individual with a herd mentality can easily be influenced or lured by the majority to the similar investments’ sentiments. Especially in stock market, individual with herd mentality tend to invest in selected stocks based on majority of people trading in it rather then on the stocks’ portfolios itself. ( Financial Bandwagon Effect )

Investors 3 elusive sentiments:

First sentiment: Follow the crowd; decisions rely on relatives or friends on whether to buy or sell a stock.
“My friend told me this share has potentials! He has bought it, I am also planning to buy it! How about you? ”;

Second sentiment: Monitoring news regarding stocks in the market; trade according to news reports.
“News reports predicted this share price is going to surge continuously, I am buying this share!”

Third sentiment : Learning how to trade in the stock market.

What techniques or approaches are you using to buy and sell stocks?

Herd mentality is actually very dangerous as it can delude your mind thought; at first you think “A” is correct but as the majority choose “B”; inversely you think your choice is wrong and so act in tandem with the majority to choose “B”.
There is no right or wrong in market trading; selection by majority may not necessarily be right nor selection by minority is necessarily wrong.
You should make your own decisions instead of following the majority perceptions.

Investing in stock market is a great learning experience; you must use your wisdom to make a choice and not follow blindly.

“The key to success is based on how much you understand your opponents’ attitudes and how much efforts you exerted in utilizing your investment skills.” —— From Best-Selling Book《Creating Wealth in Stock Market》

Starting from today, be a smart investor! Look for an effective tool that can help you in stock trading and proceed from there!

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1 pip 18¢ can brings you USD2,287

1 pip 18¢ can brings you USD2,287 with capital USD100, is that worth to trade Forex ?

Testimonial GBPUSD 7 Nov 2014 4

INSIDERS will assist you in the best way possible to reap maximum profits in Forex trading!

Kindly contact us 04-8913 200 / 201 ; 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723 for further information.

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Physical Gold versus Spot Gold

Physical Gold versus Spot Gold

According to a web survey, the results shows that more than 80% of the internet users agreed that investing in physical gold can hedge its value and it is one of the safest investments among all.

Is it true?

“Resold” is one of the major factors when it comes to investing in physical gold.
When the price of gold goes up, public believed that the price will go up beyond the current level, therefore they will purchase a large number of gold bullion and gold coins.

But have they ever pondered where to store the physical gold if the gold price falls?

I know some might says, “I will keep the gold until the gold price rebound, then I will sell it at a higher price”.

Can you anticipate how long will it takes? 3 days? 3 months? 3 years? Or even longer?

Are you sure that you can generate profits from your so called “Investment”?

Are you aware that while you are waiting for the rebound, people are already collecting their profits?

Why keep waiting when there are other ways to earn from Gold?

Investing in Gold can be done in the Forex market known as “Spot Gold” (XAUUSD). This is an easier way to gain profits as you can either go long, go short or even engage in both; meaning that ,no matter which way the gold price moved, you can still make money from it.

In other words, you no longer have to wait until the gold price shoot up; then only sell your physical gold.

In fact, investing in Gold is riskier compare to other pairs in the Forex market. This is because the ups and downs for the price of Gold are relatively wide and more volatile than others. That is why most investors refuse to invest in Spot Gold.

Actually there are not much differences between investing in Spot Gold and any other shares in the market. It’s just the methodology used.

If you’re using the right method, earning from Spot Gold can be as easy as 1,2,3!

Spot Gold XAUUSD

Spicy Chilli” is a signal that helps investors to determine the timing to go for long or go short. Full dots represent long while hollow dots represent shorts.

When Gold price is more than Chilli entry price, then you should go long and when Gold price is less than Chilli exit price, then you should go for short.

Just take a look at the rectangle in the graph
You start with shorting Gold from the first hollow dot (shows by the purple arrow) and hold it all the way until the last hollow dot. By following this signal, you will have earned 9,861 pips within 1 month and 18 days!

It’s not easy to earn such a large amount of pips within such a short time!

With INSIDERS, as long as you know how to differentiate between full and hollow dots, you can make it!

Besides, during our training course “Spicy Forex”, we will teach you how to use one minute chart to generate profits from the Forex market.

For your information, there may be a few or none at all of the investment software in the market that can guide you to earn profits from the Forex market by using one minute chart. This is because it requires a very high level of accuracy to do it.

Isn’t INSIDERS amazing ?

Come and explore the mysteries of INSIDERS today!

“To Be rich is about acting faster than others”

For more information, visit our website at http://www.FatnRich.com

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Trade Forex Spot Silver (XAGUSD) using Buy and Hold Strategy

Trade Forex Spot Silver (XAGUSD) using Buy and Hold Strategy

In the Foreign Exchange Market, the most highly volatile pairs are Spot Gold (XAUUSD) and Spot Silver (XAGUSD). This phenomenon causes daring traders to use only Day-Trade method to trade in this two pairs. Due to high risks involved in trading Spot Gold and Spot Silver, traders resist the use of Buy&Hold Strategy as high accuracy signals are needed.

However, INSIDERS can overcome this!

Trade Forex Spot Silver (XAGUSD)

Spicy Chilli is a buy or sell indicator. It will predict advance entry and exit price for you. Therefore, you can base on Chilli entry price (Red Full Dot) to buy and Chilli exit price (Red Hollow Dot) to sell. When Chilli entry price (Red Full Dot) appears, you can enter the market to buy (Long). On the other hand, when Chilli exit price (Red Hollow Dot) appears, you have to exit the market to sell (Short).

Caution: What to consider as good investment software?
1. INSIDERS signal will indicate (Top) before the price drops. It will be useless if the signal appear only after price dropped!
2. INSIDERS knows how to filter false signals. If false signals appear too many times and you repeatedly need to manually filter it,then it would be difficult for you to use.

By using Buy & Hold Strategy,
[Before red dotted line] From first signal (Red Full Dot) until next signal (Red Hollow Dot), you have earned 2,209 pips.
[After red dotted line] From the second signal (Red Hollow Dot) till current period, you have earned 5,384 pips!

Trade Forex Spot Silver (XAGUSD)

In addition, OLA can predict future trend for you. Currently, OLA started to move upwards and you must be on the alert of your trading on Spot Silver and wait for the next signal, Chilli entry price (Red Full Dot). When Chilli entry price (Red Full Dot) appears, you should close your current short position and reap the profit.

Using Buy & Hold Strategy is easy once you grasp the technique to trade. Even you have a hectic lifestyle, you can still trade in Forex Market. Fast decision can be made within minutes to monitor the chart.

With INSIDERS, trading becomes easy!


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U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high!

U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high!

The U.S. stock market price has surged continuously and recently the investors celebrate the rise, not forgetting that the market can also fool the investors. When the market is on the up surged, it often cause some investors to be greedy, they chase high and buy high; and when the market price falls, it create fear on them.

In investing, investors should not be greedy nor feel fearful. These two factors often cause investors to lose money in the market, so investors have to be cautious at this time.

“Investment is not dangerous but greed is.”

95% of people in the market lose money because of greed, while the other 5% of people earn money from this 95% of people. To become the 5% successful people in the market, you should understand these 95% people timing approaches.


Question: Do you only enter the market now while market price is on the rising track?

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Techniques in Shares Trading

Techniques in Shares Trading Invest in Malaysia Stock’s K-One (0111)

Essential trading techniques in Stock Market:
“Shares purchased will upsurge and shares sold will drop!” How do you think can achieve this?
By continuously analyzing and repeatedly reconfirming it?
This process is tedious and time-consuming.
Are you still using this method?
You feel great only if you can buy at low price before share price upsurge!

Let’s take an example; the following chart illustrate Malaysia’s Stock, K-One:

malaysia stock K1 chart

Actually, it is not that difficult! You only need to coordinate the present Bottom Price and OLA to enter the market.

Bottom Price will help you to detect low share price while OLA assist to detect the advance share price trends. Thus, you could enter the market before share price upsurge and not while the share price is rising .

With Bottom Price, you are able to maximize your profits; as you have entered the market earlier than others! During this period, you can just withhold your shares until Sell signal appears. Once this signal appears, you are advise to exit the market together with your profits. You no longer need to do any analysis or market survey to enter or exit the market. INSIDERS will do this for you, thus saving your precious time!

INSIDERS is a powerful investment tool to assist you in Stock Market, Futures, Commodities or Forex!

Kindly visit our website: www.FatnRich.com OR
Contact Us at 04-8913 200 / 201 ; 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Investment —— Forex Trading

Investment —— Forex Trading

Have you heard of FOREX? In recent years, Forex trading has been a hot issue especially among teenagers. Curious about Forex?

Forex is another kind of investment trading channel. In Forex trading, traders exchange currency pairs, that is; trading a currency for another currency; it is an Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market. Forex is traded by pair such as Euro to US Dollar (EURUSD). Forex trading can only be traded through networks. It is different from Stock Market, Futures and Commodities where there is a trading center. Thus, it is an easy trading process for teenagers as most of them have electronic devices in hand.

Benefits of Forex trading are:
1. 24 hours market
2. Two-way trade market
3. Low Capitals, High Profits
4. High Liquidity
5. Less restrictions. easy to control
Now, you know the reasons why teenagers are interested in Forex trading!

Forex seem easy to trade and bring substantial profits, but how about the risks?
In investment, zero risk is impossible. If you are afraid of risks, then don’t indulge in investment. In investment, you can only reduce risks and maximize profits!

How to maximize profits?

Forex market is quite risky; you need high accuracy signals to trade in, as the market price is very volatile. In order to save time, you need a high accuracy investment software to assist you to trade in Foreign Exchange Market. You should select an investment software that can assist you easily. By having investment software, you do not need to waste time to do market analysis before trade. Good investment software should help you solve problems and assist you to maximize profits!

Are you trading in Forex market currently?

There are two ways to trade in Forex market —— by Day-Trade and Buy-and-Hold Trade. Most traders prefer to use Day-Trade as the risks are less. However, if you know the right method to trade, Buy-and-Hold Strategy can help you maximize substantially profits! If your training course or investment software can teach or assist you with using 1 minute chart to do Day-Trade and Buy-and-Hold method to trade, then it is a powerful tool that can maximize your profits! This is because these two methods require high accuracy signals to do it!

Thus, does your current investment software or training course provide you these two methods?
FatnRich Insiders banner

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Investing knowledge: About RISK

Investing knowledge: About RISK

Investors that invest in risky shares in the market has the misconception that they can earn higher profits.

It is true?

No, and not a reality!

In the share market, there are actually some potential shares with low risks and at the same time allows investors to generate good profits. Other than the stated risks from the share itself, there are also other risks that exist in the market itself.

When risks are apparent; people who underestimated it, will tend to make wrong decisions. Some of them will restock while some others will leave the investment market. However, these will not help but only increase their money burden and their fear towards the market

As an investor, therefore you must learn on how to manage risks before you conduct any trading in the market to reduce losses.

Under these circumstances, we are offering a service to help you minimize your investment risks.

Interested to know more? Feel free to contact us at 04- 8913 200/201

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Aunties and uncles can also invest in Malaysia Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) without attending 3 days course.

Aunties and uncles can also invest in Malaysia Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) without attending 3 days course.

Owing to crude palm oil futures market fluctuations and absence of a clear lead and timing, stock investors abstain from entering the market.

With our investment software INSIDERS, it can help investors to overcome this problem and trade crude palm oil futures market successfully. What are the secrets?

Actually, it is very simple, just follow the simple guiding rules and methodologies; and it will lead you to success.

As shown by the chart below, if you use Spicy Chilli signals, you will be able to earn a profitable return.
FCPO Malaysia

           Spicy Chilli let you know in advance the entry and exit prices.

FCPO Malaysia

The figure is based on INSIDERS’s Spicy Chilli and within six months you would have earned 760 points.

If you have invested in a contract,
760 points x RM25 = RM19,000

On average of 6 months, one month approximately RM3,166 ++ extra income; the return is more than a normal worker’s one month salary!

That’s why the rich get richer…

As they know how to use the money to buy someone else experiences to get higher returns.

Even aunties and uncles no longer attend the 3 days course; do you think you still need it?

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Are you an indecisive investor?

Are you an indecisive investor?

Do you know that when you are still indecisive whether to buy or not the stocks, others are already busy reaping their profits?

Let me give you an example,
When the share price dropped, somehow you are still hoping that the price will fall further, your impulse stops you from buying the share, by the time when the price rebound, you are too late

And when the stock price continue to rise, greediness will delude you to think that the price will rise even higher, thus you with hold selling.. Unfortunately, it turns out the reverse way and you are too late to regret.

Have you experienced this before?

Hesitation can sometimes be a major stumbling block in your trading process

If you are facing this dilemma, INSIDERS software is your answer!


Refer to the graph, green signal appeared where the stock price is approximately at its lowest, reminding you to buy. Thus, helping you to reduce market capitalization in the stock market; When stock price goes up, red signal will appear, it is time to sell stocks before it drops again..

OLA (the grey curve) can help you predict the upcoming price trend of the stock. If OLA is moving upwards, even when sell signal do appear, you can also choose not to sell your stocks.

With INSIDERS, selling and buying been so easy, that you don’t have to be in a dilemma any more!

For more information, contact us at 04-8913 200 / 201

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How to determine enter and exit timing in Stock Market?

How to determine enter and exit timing in Stock Market?

Malaysia Stock’s YGL (0086) share price has surged high once and this phenomenon convinced investors to rush in, thus boosting up the trading volume. Recently, YGL share price is at the uptrend position, do you know when is the best entry timing to enter and reap high profits when the price is still rising?

How do you decide to buy and sell off your shares?
1.  Read or watch news reports on stock markets?
2.  Follow your intuition?
3.  Follow rumors or herd mentality?
4.  Analyse stock market performances?
5.  Look out for high profit shares?

Malaysia Stock’s YGL (0086) share price

Try to analyse the chart above and answer the following questions:
1.  How many buy-sell signals are in the chart above?
2.  When is the best entry timing?
3.  When is the best exit timing?
4.  Can you predict the share price future trends? Is it an uptrend or downtrend?

Worries no more on which shares to choose that can bring profits or when is the best timing to enter and exit the market.

INSIDERS can help you solve your worries.

Majority of investors enter or exit the stock market by following rumors or friends’ judgments. They sell or buy the shares based on bad or good news on the stock market. In addition, some investors listened to news reports to determine potential shares. Are the news reports accurate? For knowledgeable investors, they will do market analysis; but how accurate are their analysis?

Malaysia Stock’s YGL (0086) share price chart

Now, with INSIDERS, you no longer need to do market analysis, listen to news or rumors or based on company financial reports to buy and sell your shares. With just a simple and easy chart provided by INSIDERS, your problem is overcome!

1. You can enter the market when Bottom Price signal appears.
2. Hold on your shares until the next Sell signal appears, then just sell off your shares.
3. Next, when Buy signal appeared, buy again.
4. OLA is on the uptrend; it can also helps to detect the high and low section of the share prices

Before share prices upsurge, INSIDERS indicate Buy signal to remind you to enter the market. Conversely, before share prices drop, INSIDERS indicate Sell signal to remind you to exit the market. Thus enable you earn substantial profits in the trading process.

“If only you know when to buy, you don’t have to watch the share prices fluctuate!”– FatnRich.

Besides that, Bottom Price is a unique signal that can help investors to detect the low share price to buy and withhold it and then sell when Sell signal appeared. At this stage, you can earn a higher profit if you buy at Bottom Price.

INSIDERS will assist you in the best way possible to reap maximum profits in market trading!

Kindly contact us 04-8913 200/201 ; 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723 for further information.

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Malaysia Stock KLK Share Price Upsurge

Malaysia Stock KLK Share Price Upsurge

Earlier on, Malaysia Stock KLK is on a downward trend and not conducive to invest.
However, lately KLK share price started to rebound and rise high. Did you miss the timing to enter the market?

Malaysia Stock KLK Share Price Upsurge

[Before red dotted line] OLA show downtrend thus is not the timing to enter the market.
[After red dotted line] OLA starts to turn upward. This indicate that KLK share price is starting to rise.

Investment blind spot: How to predict the market’s next move?

INSIDERSOLA will help you to predict the future trends and notify you in advance on the next move.
INSIDERSOLA predicts that this share is on the upward trend.
Question is, when is the best entry timing?

Malaysia Stock KLK Share Price Upsurge

When OLA starts to turn upwards, you can feel at ease with this stock and awaits for signals to appear. SPICY CHILLI will inform you the entry share price in advance (Full Dot) before the share price upsurge after you have entered the market; thus earning a profit.

Investment is as simple as that!

With this investment software, you do not need to analyse any financial reports nor daily news reports. Even a beginner can invest easily!

Any enquiries kindly contact us at 04-8913 200 / 201 ; 012-475 7723 , 012-401 7723

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Characteristics of a Good Investment Software

When it comes to the world of investing, you can find various types of investment software. It is so prevalent that it become so difficult for us to decide on the right investment software to invest..

How do we determine the qualities of an investment software?

A good investment software should have at least the characteristics listed below:

1) The software should have high accuracy in enter and exist market timing
2) It helps you to speculate in stocks to earn easy profits speedily
3) It assist you to find the bottom price in order to reduce capital utilization

Do you know what an investment software should compose of? It should be user friendly with simple functions so that it can be utilized fully and also capable of generating substantial profits.

The main point is:

The existing investment software should be capable of performing various types of market analysis without complicated charts needed in the stock market.

If your current investment software doesn’t provide the solutions to solve the 2 major problems, then you should come and explore
“INSIDERS – The World’s BEST Investment tools!”.

It will definitely open you up to a world of an extraordinary experience!

For more information, feel free to contact us at 04- 8913 200 / 201 or visit our website http://www.FatnRich.com

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S&P 500 Index is one of the three major US stock indices

S&P 500 Index is one of the three major U.S. stock indices.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index (S&P 500) is the greatest trading volume index futures in the U.S. market.

What strategies are most investors using in trading S&P 500?

Technical analysis? Fundamental analysis? Research company reports? Based on newspaper news? Or by following insider tips?

Basing on the listed methods above, when do you consider the best conducive period to enter S&P 500 Index? Do you know how much time is required just to do the analysis? Are you assured that the methods you are using can provide you the correct timing to enter the market?

S&P 500

Now compare the chart below; does your strategies give the accurate and quick entry and exit timing? How long does it take you to analyse it? 3 seconds, 3 minutes, or 30 minutes?

S&P 500

Having identified the timing, when is the favorable period to enter the market?
The following chart will give you an idea:

S&P 500 -3

When the price is low, the turning point (Tipping Point) will appear , notifying you to enter; conversely, the sell signal will appear when the price is high; alerting you to sell.

Do you agree that INSIDERS can provide you a simple, accurate and time saving method, to invest?

Is your current trading strategies bringing you satisfactorily profitable or unprofitable income?

If not, now is the time to contact us at www.FatnRich.com for details!

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Malaysia Bornoil-WB Share Growing Fast

Malaysia Bornoil-WB Share Growing Fast from past 5 weeks!

For the past 5 weeks until recently, Bornoil-WB share price has surged continuously and show future growth potentials. Prior to this, did you enter the market? Were you convinced and aware that this share has growth potentials?

You will definitely buy if you knew you can earned profit of 111%! Are you regretting now?

Malaysia Bornoil-WB chart

Based on the chart above, Bornoil-WB share price increased approximately 211% (From RM0.35 to RM0.74).

With INSIDERS, it will show you the best buy timing to enter the market by providing the buy signal (Green Bar) at RM0.35, and to withhold your shares until today (RM0.74); earning approximately profit of 111%.

For example, if you bought 100 lots (10,000 units) of shares;
Buying Price: (100 lots x 100 units) x RM0.35 = RM 3,500
Selling Price: (100 lots x 100 units) x RM0.74 = RM 7,400
Profit :             RM 7,400 – RM 3,500                = RM 3,900
Within a short period, you would have earned more than a worker one month salary!

You can still earn more as indicated by OLA uptrends prediction. OLA predicted the share price will surge highest around RM0.84 and lowest RM 0.75 in the coming few weeks.

INSIDERS can alert you in advance to enter and exit the market. If you have the guidance of INSIDERS to enter the market, you could have earned up to two or three times profit  or more until the next sell signal.

This is possible with INSIDERS! You no longer need to monitor your shares all night, as INSIDERS will filter the profitable shares and provide you with buy-sell signals. INSIDERS can alert you in advance to enable you to make an early decision the best timing to enter and exit the market again!

For more information, kindly contact us at 04-8913200 / 201
or 012-4757723 / 012-401 7723
or kindly visit our website: www.FatnRich.com

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The value of a book

How do you actually evaluate a book?

Do you evaluate its value based on its design cover, the papers quality used or the book thickness ?

“Never judge a book by its cover” The worth of a book is measured by the value knowledge you gain from it.

Just like the same words may mean different things to different people; so the same goes to a book.

For instant, an investment book might seem irrelevant to some experts in the stock market; at the same time, the same said book can also be invaluable to another person in the stock market.

Many people in the world spend so much time,money and efforts to understand the market; but how many people actually succeed?

Some people keep trying and at the end of the day, they can’t even have their three meals due to losses in the market.

How many people can afford to pay a large amount of money to learn on how to invest?

Obviously, what are the best options you can do in order to get yourself to understand the market?

The smart solutions would be learning from the past mistakes made by other people; learn the tricks they discovered in the market and the secrets behind those who succeed

Creating Wealth in Stock Market by Dr Steven Lee

In the book “Creating Wealth in the Stock Market”, Dr. Steven Lee will teach you the techniques to earn from the market. He will also help you to cultivate important personal attitudes and confident on how to gain from the market.

Stock market is very complex and you need to know the know-how to handle it, if you want to make substantial gains!

For more information, kindly visit us at http://www.FatnRich.com

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The value of a book

China stock Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. SZ000050 sold highest before others

China stock Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZ000050) stock price rarely increased and within one and a half month‘s time period, its share price has almost double!

Did you seize this opportunity to make profits from the market?

If you want to create wealth in the stock market, you have to be one step ahead of others. In other words, one step faster than others to approach the market; buy at lower price than others and at the same time lowering your investment risks. Conversely you have to exit the market early than others before the stock price falls; sell at high prices earlier than the others to increase your investment profits.

The following chart will indicate to you know at glance:

China stock Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. SZ000050

Here, I would like to ask you: What is the purpose of stock investments?

The ultimate goal is still the same, all investors want to get the highest return on investments in market and multiply their sources of income.

The investment strategy shown above is precisely what most investors want to achieve using simple and time-saving methods. According to a Chinese saying “he who wishes to do well must first sharpen his tools.” So make the best use of investment tools available!

With the guidance of investment tools, the benefits are:
First, reduce investment risks; second, to maximize returns on investment.

To succeed, we must be a step ahead of others! Contact us for details.

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SONA-WA ranked Top1 in Bursa Malaysia

Although the share price for SONA-WA has been declining over the last few months, its volume has ranked Top 1 in Bursa Malaysia these few days.

As an investor, have you acted hastily in buying the share?

Malaysia Stock SONA

INSIDERS can help you to determine the best timing to enter/leave the market before the share price increase/decrease.

The hollow red dot will appear when the share price reaches its peak to indicate the sell timing (denoted by the black arrow) as shown in the chart above; hence, you don’t have to worry about your losses even when the share price abruptly experience a fall in the market.

INSIDERS Tip: Buy signal will not appear if the stock price undergoes a fall.

Eager to know more? Feel free to contact us at 04- 8913 200 /201

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Forex EURUSD Pair

Forex EURUSD Pair Hold Long or Short?

The commonest way in Forex trading is by using “Day Trade” to earn profits from pips differences. Other than day trading; is there another less risky way to trade in Forex?

Certainly Yes!

In fact, Forex can also be traded by using “Buy and Hold Strategy”. Yet, most traders fear using this method as it involves high risks. Forex’s currency price is highly volatile and you may face huge losses if your analysis and interpretation is wrong. Thus, this method is rarely used by traders.

EURUSD chart

“Buy and Hold Strategy” is another alternative, provided that you have high accuracy signals. How can we do that?

As shown in the chart above, Spicy Chilli will provide advance entry and exit price to notify you the timing to buy and sell. Spicy Chilli entry price (Red Hollow Dot) means go short, while exit price (Red Full Dot) means go long.

It is as simple as that!

Kindly contact us 04-8913 200 / 201 or 012-475 7723 for more information;
OR visit our website on www.FatnRich.com

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Taiwan stock Qisda Corp revenues hit a new high in September this year

According to news’ reports, Taiwan stock Qisda Corp (2352) announced its DMS (Design, Manufacturing and Service)’s revenue has increased by 20.9% compared to last year – a new record in nearly 6 years.

Does an increase in revenue brings any guarantee that the stock price will also increase? Not necessary so!

Fundamental analysis is outdated and no longer useful to analyse market conditions.

So how can investors determine the stock price movements?

Taiwan stock Qisda Corp 2352

Based on the chart above, you can enter the market when buy-signal (Green Bar) appears if the share price rises on the next day. On the other hand, when sell-signal (Red Bar) appears and the share fall tomorrow then it’s time to exit the market.

INSIDERS can warn you the best timing to exit the market before the share price drop drastically. Besides this, OLA can also alert you in advance on the future trend of the stocks.

According to the signals in the chart above, you could buy the stocks on June 27, 2014; withhold it and then sell on July 17, 2014. Within a short period of 21 days, you would have earned profits of NT$ 5.05.

For your information, our INSIDERS is not only available in Malaysia market, but it also support other international markets such as: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore etc.

With INSIDERS, investors can use the same investment strategy (buy low sell high) within the different country to earn substantial investment returns.

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You can be the next WINNER

Take a moment to ponder….

How would you feel when your money is diminishing; while others are gaining substantial profits in the market?

Do you feel annoyed having an unexpressed deprived feeling of been unfair, having worked so hard analyzing the charts and market situations just to buy a share; while others just easily gain profits without doing anything?

Ever wondered why?

Is it a natural gift from the Divine?

Perhaps they were born as a genius and fated to be winners in the stock market?

If these are your perceptions, then YOU’RE WRONG!

They are able to become winners simply because they understand and follow a simple
philosophy — “One must have good tools to undertake a good job”

They are smart enough to use existing tools; for example, investment software to assist them in doing market analysis. With this, it allowed them to use the shortest time and the easiest method to succeed in the market.

We have always been reminded that when times change, we must also change in tandem with the advancement of technology in analyzing a stock.

Are you still using the old treadmill?

It’s time to change!

Come and join our big family to taste the sweetness of success!

For more information, kindly visit http://www.FatnRich.com
or call us at 04- 8913 200 / 201

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on You can be the next WINNER

US stocks McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food chain restaurant

Mcdonalds logo

US stocks McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food chain restaurant

McDonald’s Corporation (MCD) is the world’s largest global foodservice retailer companies. In 1940, McDonald’s fast-food chain founded in California, United States by the brothers Richard & Maurice McDonald with Ray Kroc. The main operation of this fast-food restaurant is selling hamburgers.

McDonald’s stock is officially listed in the New York Stock Exchange on January 2, 1970 with an opening price of US$43. Currently, how much is MCD share price?

US stocks McDonald MCD

The US stock market is a two-way market, where you can buy up (Call option) or buy down (Put option), this type of investment is called OPTIONS.

The US stock market is a highly volatile market, so options trend trading is the most appropriate platform to reap profits in this market.

Wish to invest in the US market? With INSIDERS, you can know in advance the entry and exit prices, Spicy Chilli Entry Price let you know the timing to buy up; Spicy Chilli Exit Price let you know the exit price in advance, so your investment risks are averted and alerted not to enter the market at the wrong timing.

Currently if you are investing in US stock options, INSIDERS will provide you a proper guidance!

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Malaysia Stock Xing He Holdings Bhd

One of China Top Six biggest edible oil Xing He Holdings Bhd. was listed in Bursa Malaysia at the end of April 2014.

Malaysia Stock Xing He Holdings Bhd.:

Malaysia stock XingHe Chart

As share price falls in the market, most investors will act irrationally either to sell or buy shares. However, their timing to enter or exit the market maybe untimely..

With INSIDERS, you are no longer in a dilemma in making the wrong timely decision.

As shown in the chart above, Chilli exit price (Hollow Red Dot) will warn you in advance before the actual share price falls; thus giving you enough advantage time to sell. Conversely, INSIDERS will notify you the best profitable timing to enter the market.

Kindly email us if have any enquiry regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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Is Your Life Destiny Unchangeable?

Is Your Life Destiny Unchangeable Or Is it Fated?

I will begin with a “NO” as a person destiny can always be changed.
A person destiny is changeable and there is no such thing as unchangeable destiny!
“Destiny” is the hidden power we believed to control occurrence of future events or what we called “Fate”.

Have you succeeded? Have you achieved your dreams? If your answer is a YES;


    You’ve done it!

Yet, how many persons in this world have achieved their dreams?

Let’s relate an example:
As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
A man who is born in a poor family will never be rich.
Is this true? Will he be poor forever just because he was born poor?

No and not likely.

……….. How?

Want to circumvent your destiny?

Then you must follow this 3 steps:
First, you must step out from your own comfort zone;
Second, do not ever tie-up to destiny;
and Third, start investing.

Investment is the easiest way to earn extra income.
You just have to use 10% of your active income and convert it to investment, SOON it will become your passive income.
With the help of our investment software – INSIDERS, it will be easier for you to do investment either in Stock market, Forex, Futures or Commodities.
INSIDERS provides low risk and high profits for investors.
It is proven to be the unique and best investment tools in the world.

It’s time for you to decide!
As long as you are willing to change, your life will never be the same forever.

Destiny is just a belief!
Everyone has choices to control their own lives’ decisions that they take or make.

More info: www.FatnRich.com

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is Your Life Destiny Unchangeable?

Malaysia Stock HLIND hit Limit Down

Malaysia Stock HLIND hit Limit Down causes share price to slump.

Are you still holding or has sold off your shares, Hong Leong Industries Bhd HLIND 3301?

Malaysia Stock Hong Leong Industries Bhd HLIND 3301

This is our local business, Hong Leong Industries Bhd HLIND 3301 is under Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan.

Do you know when is the best timing to sell your shares?

Before the share price slumped, which is caused by “Limit Down”; INSIDERS has already detected it and showed sell-signal, warning you the timing to sell your shares.

Kindly email us if have any enquiry regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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Malaysia Stock SUMATEC – 1201

Malaysia Stock SUMATEC – 1201 Trend

Recently, Malaysia stock SUMATEC ranked 10 Top Volume Trade. Daily, there are many investors involve in trading this share.

However, why are some investors selling their share at a lower share price; while some keep buying even though the share price is still on the down trend? Regretfully, most investors invest it at the wrong time.

Are you aware that SUMATEC is currently on the downtrend?

Malaysia Stock SUMATEC – 1201 SUMATEC Chart

Before the share price falls, INSIDERS pre-warned that is time to leave the market; grab whatever the profit and exits the market to avert huge losses.

Now,are you still holding this share?

Will you decide to buy and hold on the share when the share price rise sharply or decline steeply?

Deliberate deeply!

“If problem is resolved, you get the money.” – FatnRich

For more information, kindly visit our website at www.FatnRich.com

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INSIDERS The Ultimate Tool in Investment

INSIDERS The Ultimate Tool in Investment

INSIDERS provides you with high accuracy signals that can help you generate substantial profits from the market!

malaysia stock uems

From the graph, red signal will appear, indicating the right timing to sell your stocks.
However, INSIDERS does not indicate any buy signal for UEMS. Reason been the future price trend for UEMS is still declining (shown by OLA); thus is not an optimal timing to make any stock purchases.

There is a quote that assert “You can’t expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to be in business tomorrow.”

So, in order to have a better tomorrow, you should start “sharpening” your tools today!

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Malaysia CPO Crude Palm Oil Market Trend

Malaysia CPO Crude Palm Oil Market Trend … temporary SHORT.

According to news’ reports, CPO (Crude Palm Oil) has experienced two consecutive quarters of strong growth; therefore, the output is expected to enter the intermission phase for this month.

Not only this, the fall in world oil price has also become a major obstacle for CPO to rebound.

What do you foresee in the upcoming trend for CPO?

Malaysia CPO Crude Palm Oil Market Trend

The graph above shows the future price trend for CPO.

From “Spicy Chilli” indicator, the full red dots represent the signal to go for long while the hollow red dots represent the signal to go for short.

This indicator can help investors to respond and act in tandem with market changes.

For more information, kindly visit our website at www.FatnRich.com

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The secret of profits making even though the Stock Market is on the downtrend!

Discover the secret of profits earning, even though the stock market is down!

The Asian market is on the downturn, can investors still reap profits?

Stock price down and yet is still profitable… The secret is, when the stock market on the downturn, investors still have other investment channels to reap profits, like Malaysia Futures (FKLI).

Malaysia Futures is a two way trade where you can buy whether up or down.

Malaysia Futures (FKLI)

Investing in Futures is not difficult no matter in a bear or bull market. Are you aware of this channel?

Call us today at 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723 to find out more.

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Malaysia Stock ASIABIO 0150

Malaysia Stock ASIABIO 0150 future trend.

Recently ASIABIO has taken over FOCUS’s equity and become its shareholder.

Today, ASIABIO has emerged into the top ten shares’ list .

Malaysia Stock ASIABIO 0150 chart

INSIDERS showed buy-signal (GREEN Bar); a reminder to investors the timing to enter the market before the share price increased.

“Buy before news, not after news.” – FatnRich

Besides this, INSIDERS also provides OLA to predict the future trend.

At this moment, you can sell your shares (RED Bar) and wait for another buy-signal;


You can hold on your shares as OLA turning upward.

Kindly email us if have any enquiries regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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KULIM 2003 Malaysia Stock

KULIM 2003 Malaysia Stock Future Trend

According to news report, KULIM’s share price has risen on 10th of October 2014.

However, do you know that the share price is very volatile?

Our investment software can envisage this!

KULIM 2003 Malaysia Stock

From the chart above, we can see that trading volume on that day is extremely high.

Yet, future trend of this share is declining according to INSIDERS’ OLA.

This is not the right timing to enter the market, and you should be prepared to withdraw from the market.

Kindly email us if have any enquiry regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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OLA can predict the future price trends

OLA can predict the future price trends

Faced with the risks of trading the stocks in the market, are you prepared for it?

Our investment software INSIDERS can help you minimize the risks needed to face the stock market!

INSIDERS 2.3 latest software feature OLA, which is designed to help you to predict the future price trends.
OLA can predict the future price trends
As the above chart shows, OLA indicated that the stock price for E&O will decline.

OLA tracked the lower and the higher price for E&O to be around RM 2.40 to RM2.65.

To understand more on how OLA can help you generate profits from the stock market, please visit http://www.FatnRich.com or call 04-8913 200/201

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Asian Market is on the downturn

Asian market is on the downturn, are you aware of it?

Recently, Asian markets has been declining and not performing well, affecting
markets performance in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Asian stock market

Have you sold or still holding on to your shares?

Are you aware that the market is on the down slide?

Kindly email us if have any enquiries regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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Singapore Stock Prices Best Time For Entry and Exit

In a dilemma with the buy-sell timing in the stock market?

INSIDERS can help resolve your problem with guidance to earn huge profits within THREE days!

Singapore Stock Ramba Energy Limited

INSIDERS will show you the bottom price (blue) and buy (green) signal before the stock price rise. Therefore, it can help you minimize the capital needed to buy-in the stocks.

Conversely, sell signal (red) will appear before the stock price fall, thus it can help you to prevent unnecessary losses.

Other than this, you can adopt the “buy low and sell high” method by following the signal generated by INSIDERS and enjoy high returns from the market.

Singapore Stock Prices Best Time For Entry and Exit

INSIDERS can provide you guidance on the best timing to enter and exit from the market!

If you are interested, kindly visit our website http://www.FatnRich.com

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Malaysia Stock KTB Buy-Sell Signals

Malaysia Stock KTB Buy-Sell Signals – How to earn fast money within a short period?

KTB Stock Chart as shown below:

Malaysia Stock KTB Buy-Sell Signals

You can earn fast money (profits around 28%) within 2 weeks by trading KTB stock.
INSIDERS which is designed with high accuracy buy-sell signals, will notify you the timing to enter and exit the market.

With INSIDERS, you no longer need to waste your precious time monitoring your shares.

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GBPAUD Buy and Hold Strategy

GBPAUD buy and hold strategy

Is using the buy and hold strategy in Forex trading risky for some investors! If so why?

The reason is that they have not mastered the risks involved and the correct way to invest in Forex. This strategy avoiding unnecessary risks is now make possible by our investment tool that allow you to minimize that risks and generate stable earnings.

How is that possible? Just refer to the chart below.

GBPAUD chart

Spicy Chilli will indicate to you the entry and exit prices in advance.

INSIDERS let you achieve this possible profitable strategy even for beginners, investors and professional investors.

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Gold Investment can be purchased by buying up or down

Gold Investment can be purchased by buying up or down

Commodities Gold

Gold can be invested in various ways:

1) Gold jewelry / gold bar
2) Paper gold (with banks)
3) Gold Commodities
4) Spot Gold Trading
5) and so on…

The difference in gold jewelry or paper gold is that, profits can only be derived when sold at the high price; while gold commodities and spot gold trading, which is a two ways market; can be purchased by “buying up or down” to make a profit.

So why don’t you choose gold commodities or foreign exchange?

If you do not understand the know how to invest, we will teach you the techniques to trade gold successfully by using 1 minute chart trade method.

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Malaysia Index KLCI Future Trend?

Malaysia Index KLCI future trend?

A lot of investors are anxious about the current Malaysia Index KLCI trend. It is so unpredictable and volatile.

KLCI Index actually started to be sluggish since a few months ago and investors are not be fully aware of it.

Malaysia kuala lumpur composite index KLCI

Based on the chart above, it clearly indicate the trend of Malaysia Composite Index (KLCI).

Kindly email if you have any enquiry on stock, futures, commodities and etc.

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Will protesting in Hong Kong affect the stock market

Will protesting in Hong Kong affect the stock market …

Before the Hong Kong protests, the Hang Seng Index is already starting to decline.

Hang Seng Index HSI

Are you aware that the Hong Kong market is down? The above chart clearly illustrate the trend of the index.

Kindly email us if you have any enquiry regarding stocks, Forex, Futures or Commodities.

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Malaysia Crude Palm Oil FCPO Buy Low

Malaysia Crude Palm Oil FCPO Buy Low.

Trading Bursa Malaysia derivatives berhad crude palm oil futures (FCPO). If you have bought low using “buy and hold method” from 3 September 2014 and holding it until October 1; about one month, you would have earned 255 points.

Malaysia Crude Palm Oil FCPO

If you just buy 1 contract,
1 contract x 255 points x RM 25 = RM 6,375

Beside stock market, the Malaysia Crude Palm Oil is another good investment channel.

To learn more about CPO, please make an appointment with us for details.

Hotline: 04-8913 200 / 012-475 7723

Kindly email us if you have any enquiry regarding stocks, Forex, Futures or Commodities.

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AUDCAD currency exchange movements

AUDCAD currency exchange movements

AUDCAD is currently on the decline movements.


By using buy and hold method, AUDCAD can also generate money making.

It does not require 24 hours sitting in front of the computer to monitor the market movements, meanwhile you can use the spare time to do other things and let the other side make money by itself.

Kindly email us if have any enquiries regarding Stocks, FOREX, Future or Commodities.

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China Stock Shandong Xinneng Taishan SZ000720 on uptrend

China Stock Shandong Xinneng Taishan SZ000720 on uptrend.

When is the best timing to buy China Stock Shandong Xinneng Taishan SZ000720 before it rise higher?

China Stock Shandong Xinneng Taishan SZ000720

Based on the chart below, OLA can help you detect the buy low timing, before the stock price rise higher.

China Stock Shandong Xinneng Taishan SZ000720

For details, please visit our website: http://www.FatnRich.com

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Malaysia stock KNM Group Berhad (KNM, 7164) buy low sell high

Malaysia stock KNM Group Berhad (KNM, 7164) buy low sell high.

Malaysia stock KNM

With FatnRich INSIDERS, you don’t need to waste time and effort to do any analysis, you can know the stock market trends at your fingertips.

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XAUUSD Gold Investment

XAUUSD Gold Investment

US dollar hits a high in this past six months, gold goes low again.

Spot Gold Investment – Holding short
15 Aug 2014 – 1311.86 until 18 Sep 2014 – 1225.18 (35 days)
Earnings: 8,668 pips x $ 0.20 = $ 1,733.60 (USD)


Have you consider about gold investment long time ago? Do you want to invest in gold but don’t know how to begin?

INSIDERS can help you overcome this problem, make your gold investment easy.

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Hong Kong stock China Fiber Optic Network System Group Ltd (03777.HK)

Hong Kong stock China Fiber Optic Network System Group Ltd (03777.HK) is currently in downtrend.

China FIBER OPTIC 03777 hong kong stocks

OLA not only let you know the market future situations in advance, but OLA also can help you detect the lowest buy timing and the highest sell timing.

Coupled with the buy and sell signals, your investment risks can be reduced, thereby earning the highest profits!

Visit: www.FatnRich.com

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Malaysia Stock IFCA MSC Bhd (IFCAMSC, 0023)

Malaysia Stock IFCA MSC Bhd (IFCAMSC, 0023)

IFCAMSC Malaysia Stocks

Spicy Chilli gives you entry and exit price in advance.

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