Malaysia stock IQ Group reverse the decline and break RM3

Malaysia stock IQ Group reverse the decline and break RM3

Malaysia IQ Group share price has fallen since the end of March to end of April 2015.
Its stock price has dropped low to RM2.18, but within these two weeks its share price rebounded and break the RM3 barrier; which is really very impressive.

The question is: How do you seize the opportunity to grab the low stock price before its rebound?

Can technical analysis technique let you know the stock price of IQ Group before its fast rebound?

Check out how INSIDERS investment software can help you catch the rebound timing of IQ Group.

The following is: Malaysia stock IQ Group Holdings Berhad (5107) six months chart.

Malaysia stock IQ Group Holdings Berhad (5107)

In advance identified by the INSIDERS stock investment software:

1. Tipping point appeared before the stock price is about to change, letting you prepared and know in advance. Next day the stock price rise, buy in and hold.

2. OLA line – the stock price fell to the bottom line –  alert you that it would soon rebound.

IQ Group’s share price rose about 85 cents within two weeks, and broke the 5-year high history.

If you have using a breakthrough new high technical analysis method to determine the market timing, wouldn’t it cause you the comparative delay in approaching the market?

Let INSIDERS to lead you out of this dilemma!

Official website:

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Breaking the traditional way to make money

Breaking the traditional way to make money

The traditional way to make money:

1. Invest money in stocks regardless of the stock’s movements; that is, irrespective of whether the stock prices rise or fall.

2. Invest in blue chip stocks and withhold for long-term duration.

Traditional investment problems:

1. When the time to reap harvest, the entire entrapped capital has fallen for the past five to ten years.

2. Time wasted as compared with profits generated.

3. Seeing profits earned and loss back.

4. Miss the opportunity to use the funds to invest in better stocks.

What is the outcome if you still are holding Taiwan stock HTC Corporation 2498?

HTC Corporation 2498

As early as the end of January if you have sold HTC, you would make a profit instead of a loss.

The new way to get rich is to use INSIDERS investment software:

1. Make fast money – Use Spicy Chilli entry and exit price.

2. Buy low, sell high, countless trading profits.

3. Control losses, mitigate risks – do not have to bear the risks of the fallen stocks.

Want to know how to invest?

Discover now …

Say “Yes” to opportunities, no hassle in understanding first:

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Sunway distributes 28¢ dividend, profit or loss?

Sunway distributes 28¢ dividend, profit or loss?

On 6th May, income growth Malaysia stock Sunway announced a dividend distribution and attracted many investors who are eager to buy.

Some investors like to invest in an income growth company which distribute dividends,
and buy regardless of the unreasonable price.

Is this investment method correct ?

Is an income growth share dividend stock really a good buy?

Refer to the following chart: Malaysia Stock Sunway Berhad 5211

Malaysia Stock Sunway Berhad 5211

The figure shows Sunway on May 6, 2015 will distribution of 28¢ dividend per share. On the same day and the following day, the stock price dropped down to RM3.57
and sequentially fell again to about RM3.35.

On April 29, 2015 our INSIDERS sell signal has already alerted you sell at the very high prices, to avoid losing the profits.

“Buying at the peak to earn dividends is the biggest mistake.” –

The dividend is only 28¢ per share, but the stock price drop difference is about 50¢.
So, is it worth ?

Just think for a moment, by getting the dividends at the expense of stock price drop;
do you make a profit or loss?

The right way to invest is:

Buy low and sell high – the essence of a profitable investment. If you buy low to earn dividends, then it is worth.

For more enquiry about stock, Futures, Commodities or Forex, etc., please e-mail us:

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Investment mistakes that should be avoided

Investment mistakes that should be avoided

What are the mistakes likely to occur in an investment?

The problem in not knowing how to select stocks to invest, resulting in buying the wrong stocks that continued to drop instead of rising!

Example is Malaysia stock AirAsia X; where its stock price fell from RM0.83 to RM0.38, a drop of nearly 54%! The continuous stock fall, resulted in many inexperienced investors ended in big losses!

A lot of people do not know how to analyze the stocks’ future trends, thus making a big mistake in purchasing stocks that are still going downward!

The following chart: Malaysia stock Airasia X Berhad (AAX 5238)

Malaysia stock Airasia X Berhad (AAX 5238)

How to avoid in making such an investment mistake?

You need a tool like INSIDERS to assist you in investment.

Please refer to the chart: OLA indicated that AirAsia X shares are going downward all the way and should not be purchased. Besides this, there are other rising stocks in the market you can buy.

As a gentle reminder:

If you are committing this wrong investment mistake, you must ceased this bad investment behavior immediately.

Sequentially if you had bought the wrong stocks like AirAsia X, even if it is at a loss, you must sell it in order to avoid further losses.

Before buying any stock, you must first set up a stop loss mechanism; so that you are well prepared in advance in facing cut loss.

‘You need patience in buying and determination in selling’ – FatnRich

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Your next investment target: above 50% profits

Your next investment target: above 50% profits

Your next investment target: how to earn 30-50% more profits?

The problems most investors often encountered:

Most investors after buying the stocks, will sell off when the stock rise 10 to 20%,
thus earning only 10-20% of profits. However, when the stock rise even further, the different in the gross offset gain – loss may be a lot!

If profits decrease, the risk becomes higher; if profits increase, the risk naturally decreases.

How to earn 30-50% more of the profits after buying the stock, i.e. profit maximization?

Let’s see how the INSIDERS software can assist you in investing in Canadian Stocks Dirtt Environmental Solutions Ltd (DRT)

Canadian Stocks Dirtt Environmental Solutions Ltd (DRT)

INSIDERS bullish signal appears when it at very low; after buying the Canadian stocks DRT, the stock soon rose.

Incidentally, OLA also indicated that the future trend of this stock is rising. You may have to withhold it temporarily before selling.

This stock you brought has generated you much profits in just a few months and if you had sold it for 10-20% profits, do you think it is worth?

Investment tips:

After buying, wait patiently for the profits’ opportunity.

Smart investors make good use of the assistance of investment tools, avoiding unnecessary investment risks, learning the right way to invest and continue to reap profits in the market.

The choice is yours and only you can decide!

Tel: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles

Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles 

Instead of self retroflection, we often blame others for our miseries like been born to a poor family; poor family background; bad luck; no financial supporters etc.

We should not give in to misfortunes and difficulties easily.  We should not say: “This is my fate…”

In fact, we are the master of our own destiny. In order to be wealthy we must have the right positive attitudes.

“Money” is not the main reason that causes you to fail to create wealth.

“Poor thinking and poor attitude” is the actual reason that causes you to fail to create wealth.

The Magic Idea of Getting Rich by Dr. Steven Lee“When we think we want to be a millionaire, our thoughts automatically reject it; because we equate money with pain & suffering. The idea of being a millionaire and earning millions in this life time, we think is impossible.” —— <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich> Dr. Steven Lee (Ph.D).

What makes you fear failures and affects you the most is your “heart”.

Therefore, if you want to change your lifestyle, you must first change yourself!

If you want to get rich, then you have to keep pace in tandem with the rich!

Wish to change your mindset?

Then read the book by Dr Steven Lee <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich>> It will definitely transform your mindset!

Kindly contact us, if you are interested in purchasing <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich>, a PDF (e-book).

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles

A Continuous Profits Taking Method

A Continuous Profits Taking Method

By changing your investment methods, you can earn a substantial sum of money!

Do you know that false information and wrong methods are the main causes of investment problems?

The secret of making wealth in the stock market is to apply the buy low sell high method.

Example: Malaysia stock LCTH Corporation Berhad 5092

Malaysia stock LCTH Corporation Berhad 5092

INSIDERS software usage: (buy low sell high)

According to the chart, right after the stock price of LCTH drops, RICH’s tipping point signal appeared. At this point, take this opportunity to enter and hold the stock.

“The best way to make money in the stock market is applying the buy low sell high method.” –

Interested to discover further, kindly visit

Hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Entry Point Dilemma?

Entry Point Dilemma?

In stock market, investors are always hoping that they can enter at the lowest possible price and sell at highest possible price. However, how many investors have the ability to do this?

You perceived that the stock is at its lowest price, but it might still even drop lower than that! So how do you determine the stock’s bottom price?

The secret of analysing the Bottom entry point:

Software INSIDERS can help you overcome this problem!

Example: Australia stock Stonehenge Metals Limited, SHE

Australia stock Stonehenge Metals Limited, SHE

INSIDERS ultimate investment software: ( At a glance)

Chart above shown Bottom signal appeared at the right timing. Ponder for a moment, why Bottom signal do not appear earlier?

Why Bottom signal only appeared at the right timing?

Think about it:

If you are currently using an investment software that cannot help you find the Bottom Price, then it is time to try out INSIDERS !

Hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Change Your Lifestyle Through Forex Trading

Change Your Lifestyle Through Forex Trading

Are you still living in these conditions daily? :

  1. Going out less in order to reduce expenses.
  2. Carrying limited amount of  money when out with friends
  3. Having difficulties deciding what to eat daily
  4. Asking parents for expenses

If you want to change all these, you must change your way of living now.

Change your lifestyle through Forex trading

Learn on how to make money through Forex trading.

Currency pair example: EURUSD

Change Your  Lifestyle Through Forex Trading EURUSD

Chart above shown that one just simply needs to ‘short‘ all the way down by using INSIDERSSPICY CHILLI signal. Once OLA started to turn upward, ‘long‘ it.

Investment tips:

Investment is not meant for short duration. It is similar to life, as it needs time to accumulate experiences and be wiser with time. However, with help from INSIDERS investment software, you can earn more easily with less efforts.

Hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

Enquiries on Stocks, Forex, Commodities, and Futures, kindly email us at:

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How to get out of the current difficulties?

How to get out of the current difficulties?

What is the biggest dilemma youths are facing today? It is all about repaying their debts to the society once they start working? Paying off the debts is a typical “work for money” culture nowadays!.


Learn to invest early to become financially independent people and let “money work for you” to pay off the debts as soon as possible.

Investment Strategy:

Select penny stocks to invest with minimal capital that generate multiple returns’ profits.
Buy low, Sell high, the investment strategy for optimal returns with lowest risks.


Singapore’s Stock JAYA HOLDING LTD (J10) 

Singapore’s Stock JAYA HOLDING LTD (J10)
Insiders Software Guidance: 

RICH’s Buy signal occurs, if stocks’ prices rise on the next day, Buy in.
RICH’s Sell signal occurs, if stocks’ prices drop on the next day, Sell off.

INSIDERS,is so simple, easy and ready to use, as there is no sophisticated charts and does not require observing any news in order to analyse the stocks.

An investment software – INSIDERS.- worthy of owning!

Hotlines: 012- 475 7723/ 012- 401 7723 
Kindly email us, if you have any inquiries on Stocks, Forex, Commodities or Futures:

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Stock Analysis: UK stock Greggs future trends

Stock Analysis: UK stock Greggs future trends

Greggs plc is the largest franchised bakery business in United Kingdom. It specialises in savoury products such as pasties, sausage rolls and so on.

What is the future trends of Greggs?

Please refer to the following chart: UK Stock Greggs PLC (GRG)

UK Stock Greggs PLC (GRG)

Based on the chart above, OLA obviously shown that the stock is on the uptrend mode; buy and hold it, temporarily don’t need to sell. Is just that simple for the stock future analysis. No need wasting time closely observing the market yet can decisively determine the deal.

This is the advantage of applying the “multiplier methods” in investment, without requiring substantial efforts yet reap good returns.

Interested please contact: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

If you have any enquiry on stocks, commodities, futures or Forex, please e-mail us at:

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Opportunity to buy ULICORP at low!

Opportunity to buy ULICORP at low!

Can the following approaches below lead to simple investing?

1. Research on Technical Analysis?
2. Studying fundamental analysis?
3. Follow the news?

Playing video games has its own break through method to the next level, so is the stock market with its own way!

Here is a super-simple sharing investment way: buy when market price is at low

Please refer to the following chart: Malaysia Stock UNITED U-LI CORPORATION BHD (ULICORP 7133)


The chart above is taken from INSIDERS investment software.

Bottom price signals appeared when the ULICORP stock is at relatively low price, thus enabling you to buy it with confident.

Once you are familiarize with the INSIDERS method, investment can be simple.

Why not try the world’s best investment software INSIDERS now?


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Hong Kong Nan Hai Corp 00680: Rapid price surged for unknown reasons

Hong Kong Nan Hai Corp 00680: Rapid price surged for unknown reasons

Hong Kong Stock Nan Hai Corporation (00680) rose approximately 300 % in just two weeks from 4¢ to 12.9¢.

Were you able to grab on this golden opportunity?


1. How do you judge the stock surge timing?
2. If there is no news or insiders’ information, can you grasp the right timing to buy?
3. Why is the adoption of technical analysis unable to catch the low and upsurge timing anymore?


INSIDERS can help you to solve the above puzzles.

Example: Hong Kong Stock Nan Hai Corp 00680

Hong Kong Stock Nan Hai Corp 00680

INSIDERS’ signal usage:

1. When buy signal (8 April) appears, buy in if stock price rises on the next day (9 April).

2. Having bought it at price $0.042 on 9 April, and withhold the stock until 27 April at $0.128 price level, total profits earned would be $0.086.

Uniqueness of INSIDERS:

According to the chart above, Nan Hai Corp’s stock price has remained low and dormant 5 months ago before the stock started to surge.

Ponder for a moment, why did the buy signal appear only on 8 April instead of months ago?

You are welcomed to take a step forward and discover more on INSIDERS’ investment secrets.

Hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

Any inquiries about Stocks, Forex, Commodities, and Futures, kindly email us at:

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Signage of TECNIC (9741) sharp rise

Signage of TECNIC (9741) sharp rise

INSIDERS stock investment software signal commentary:

1. Before the stock went skyrocketing, OLA has detected its upward movements.

2. When the stock price reaches the bottom, OLA show a rebound in share prices.

Examples: Malaysia stock TECNIC (9741)

Malaysia stock TECNIC (9741)

Everything move at lightning speed and a moment of inattention, will result in miss opportunity to make money.

I am curious to know how to preempt this from happening?

INSIDERS software possess these subtleties to assist you!

To learn more about INSIDERS Investment Software, feel free to contact us at:
012-401 7723 / 012-475 7723

Any inquiries about stock, Forex, Futures and commodities, please email to:

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Invest while working

Invest while working

Can I invest while working at the same time?

Beside been busy with works and simultaneously need time to analyze stock data and fundamental reports, don’t you think you will be fully occupy daily?

Let’s check out on how INSIDERS investment software can help you in your investment while working simultaneously!

Chart below: Taiwan stock FLEXium Interconnect Inc (6269)

Using simple and easy INSIDERS investment software:

Knowing how to effectively utilize your time is very important in time management. By using a simple yet easy to understand investment system like INSIDERS, just within 3 seconds the system can help you to decide on the future trends of Taiwan Stock FLEXium Interconnect Inc (6269) ; allowing you to enter at the lowest possible price and hold it until now.

With the help from INSIDERS investment software, you can avoid complex technical analysis charts and the trap of false signals, thus increasing your success rate.

Investment Tips:

Avoid chasing ‘HIGH’ in stock investments.

If you have any enquiry on stocks, commodities, futures or Forex, kindly e-mail us.

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Generate profits with capital $1000: Malaysia stock ASIAPAC

Generate profits with capital $1000: Malaysia stock ASIAPAC 

Our previous article ” How to make $2000 in 1 month? “ showed you the way to make $2,000 in a month and disclosed to you the step by step plan to accumulate wealth.

The following chart: Malaysia stock ASIAN PAC HOLDINGS BHD (ASIAPAC 4057)

Malaysia stock ASIAN PAC HOLDINGS BHD 4057

Capital: RM1,000

Funds to use: RM0.23 x 40 lots (4,000 units) = RM920

Estimated profit: RM0.045 x 40 lots = RM180

A weekly earning of $100’s goal is easily achievable.

Every small step can lead you to achieve your dreams, so long as you follow the plan.

“Winners are path finders while losers are lame excusers.” – FatnRich

If you need a mentor or software guidance, please e-mail us.

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Stock Analysis: US Stock World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE: WWE)

Stock Analysis: US Stock World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE: WWE)

WWE is currently the largest professional wrestling company in US.

When to buy US Stock World Wrestling Entertainment?

Investment strategy: Buy low and Sell high

Investment FAQ:

1. How can we judiciously buy low, sell high?

2. How and when to seize the good opportune timing to enter and exit the stock market?


See the following chart: US Stock World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE:WWE)

US Stock World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE:WWE)

Following the above chart, INSIDERS investment software provides foretell entry signal before the stock price is up. OLA also foretell that the stock price will rise.

If tipping point + OLA appear and the next day the stock price show a rise, then buy the stock.

On the contrary, if sell signal appear before the stock price fell, let go the shares promptly, thus helping the investors to avoid losses.

Gentle reminder:

Start accumulating from the beginning by constantly repeating buy low and sell high and in the long term the profits will multiply.

INSIDERS can help you to breakthrough the areas of investment restrictions.

For the further information, please call (6) 04-8913 200 / 201

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Buy Stock At Ease And Sell Stock Without Feeling Panicky

Buy Stock At Ease And Sell Stock Without Feeling Panicky

Adopt INSIDERS as your investment tool to assist you in your investment.

Stock example: China Stock Shanying Paper Industry Co Ltd SH600567

China Stock Shanying Paper Industry Co Ltd SH600567

INSIDERS Investment Software Usage (Simple)

Use signal provided by INSIDERS to perform Buy & Hold method. After purchasing, wait for the sell signals to appear. Once it appears, be readied to sell the stock and take profits on it.

Method: Buy Signal (Stock Price Rise) + OLA ( Grey Line) in uptrend mode = The Best Price to Enter

To discover more about INSIDERS on how to help you to lock in profits, call this number: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Ever thought about these problems?

Ever thought about these problems?

1. The effects of inflation, i.e.the income derive slower than expenditure.

2. Building another alternate source of income as subsistence support.


Why not try investment!

Do you know how to invest? Start now!

The following is one of the investments market, example: Commodities COMEX Copper High Grade (HG)

Commodities COMEX Copper High Grade (HG)

In investment, you do not need to learn a lot of things; using one skill is enough.

Most people always look for market news, attend various investment seminars, or search for brokerage house research reports etc., busying themselves unnecessary daily.

The INSIDERS investment software is simple…

Just by using Spicy Chilli to invest is enough.

The display shown above is a Copper investment chart.

Just by applying Spicy Chilli signals and it will let you know in advance the entry and exit price; thus letting you prepare for the next price change, when the opportunity arrived. The signal is simple, accurate and easy to use.

For details, please call our hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Investment Secret Method

Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Investment Secret Method

Investment strategy:

1. Predict the future trends in advance
2. Enter the market with right direction
3. Enter the market at right timing


1. How to predict the future trend?
2. How to find the right timing to enter the market?


To trade Hang Seng Index successfully, two basic elements must be considered: the right tools and the right attitude.


The following chart: Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (HSI)

Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (HSI)

INSIDERS investment software illustration: (can be learnt and used immediately)

When OLA shows an upward trend, INSIDERS buy signal appear, the price rise, buy and hold.

When index price reaches OLA’s highest price level, do not chase high to buy, you should be prepared to arbitrage.

Investment Tips:

Risk management investment is very important, market fluctuations can make you earn money but also lose money, so you have to know the key factors in making every trading decision and where to set stop-loss point.

INSIDERS investment software allows you to predict the future trend.

Tel: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Change your bad investment habits !

Change your bad investment habits !

Bad investment habits:

1. Buying stocks based on rumors and make trading decisions without any analysis.

2. Follow herd mentality – Others buy, you also buy!


Be prepared, set affordable stop-loss and lock profits.

Reference example:

The following chart: Canadian Stocks – Canadian National Railway (CNR)

Canadian Stocks - Canadian National Railway (CNR)

INSIDERS investment software usage: (simple & easy)

When OLA predict the future trend will rise up, INSIDERS buy signal will appear – timing to buy.

When OLA predict the future trend will go downturn, INSIDERS sell signal will appear – sell it.

Investment Tips:

Learnt from previous mistakes.

Subscribe to INSIDERS to assist you NOW!

Tel: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Learn from the Singaporeans money begets money

Learn from the Singaporeans money begets money

Are Singaporean hard workers and as a result there outputs are more efficient and effective? Or is it because of the strong competitive environments?

We need to have the conceptual ideas from planning to execution in order to survive in a pressure – cooked environments.

Investment is one way and in the investment market, there is also a fast way to make money.

Long-term investments are not suitable for young people who want to fast-track to richness.

The alternative is a short-term trading which is suitable to this new generation of young people.

Main point: Non-stop trading – apply short-term trading.

Example: Singapore stock Keppel Corporation Limited

Singapore stock Keppel Corporation Limited

Note: Only make the trading for upward movement directions.

Trading for downward direction is more suitable for US options trading.

Dreaming alone does not become a reality; you need to act in order to see the results.

If you have any enquiry about stock, Futures, Forex or Commodities, please contact us.

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Using FKLI as leeway against GST

Using FKLI as leeway against GST

Our country price adjustments to increase revenue with the implementation of GST is creating havoc in our people’s daily life.

On 1st April 2015, the Good & Service Taxes was enforced.

This causes most goods to be levied with GST, thus leading to price increases in our daily needs, resulting in a lot of miseries to the people especially the fixed-income workers.

Everything like petrol oil, properties, utility bills are increasing, but salary remains static.

Before the implementation of GST, many people take advantage to buy and store the necessary daily items. However, this is not the best but just a temporary solution.

What we need is not saving but earning more. In other words, using lesser time to earn more money, rather than working the long normal hours. An alternative leeway to a new source of income is through Futures’ investment!

Example: Malaysia Futures (FKLI)

Malaysia Futures (FKLI)

Futures market is a two-way market, where investors can go for short or long to make profits.

Unlike Futures market, Stock market is a one-way market, where investors can only earn from stocks which are rising but not dropping. At such, when the market condition is bad, investors can only wait for the right timing to sell/buy and in the meanwhile earn nothing.

Where else in Futures, irrespective of market situations ( good or bad ), investors can still make money.

Investors can ‘long’ when market is good and ‘short’ when market is bad.

From the INSIDERS chart shown, by using the SPICY CHILLI signal together with RICH signals, Futures investment is not a hassled!

Investment Period: 28 October 2014 – 8 April 2015 (6 months)

Investment Strategy: Buy and hold

Capital: RM 5000 / Contracts

The total number of points earned: 518 points

Pip size: RM50 / pip

The total amount earned: 518 points x RM 50 = RM 25, 900 (6 months)

INSIDERS is simple and easy with high accuracy signals, therefore you are able to invest in Futures by “Buy & Hold” Strategy.

To learn more about our investment system, please contact: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Why are people researching new investment formulae?

Why are people researching new investment formulae?

In investment, the most common investment methods most people used are fundamental analysis or technical analysis.


1. Does fundamental analysis method still feasible? Which is more reliable, historical news or upcoming news?

2. For traditional technical analysis formulae, why is it there are still so much false signals?

Solution :

Reference to the above questions, have you ever pondered over its versatility?

Reference example :

Chart below: Malaysia stock Mieco Chipboard Bhd  5001

Malaysia stock Mieco Chipboard Bhd  5001

INSIDERS investment software usage: (simple & easy)

According to SPICY CHILLI signal revealed by INSIDERS, it allows you to buy in at the lowest possible price level; sell out at the highest possible price level in order to gain profits from it.

Most importantly, one does not need to spend too much time and energy in conducting analysis.

At the same time, OLA shows the future trends of the stock movements either a rise, fall or stagnation; thus allowing you an advance preparation to decide what to do next.

Investment Tips:

From the best-selling book “Creating Wealth in Stock Market” :
It will hurt one badly if one uses time and money to exchange / gain experience in the stock market!

The best way is: To learn from peoples’ experiences at the shortest time.

Contact us at 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723 to discover more on our investment secret!

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Speedily ways to rise up with stock LEESK

Speedily ways to rise up with stock LEESK

In investments, regardless of any markets, there will always be winners and losers.

Investors like to encounter losers to learn from their mistakes so as not to repeat their pitfalls.

The TWO most common reasons why people loss their money are:-

  1. Bought at high price level and expecting it to rise further; however the reverse happened。
  2. Over optimistic and believing that the declining price is just temporary.

It is important to identify the loss key factors and stay away from it. If you have invested in Malaysia stock Lee Swee Kiat Group Bhd (LEESK 8079), you will be able to reverse the situation in just five days !

Malaysia stock Lee Swee Kiat Group Bhd (LEESK 8079)

To earn fast money, you just need to use the OLA signal provided by INSIDERS to help you identify the lowest entry point of the stock before it starts to climb and at the same time, buy in using Tipping point signal. Within FIVE days, you will be able to reap substantial profits from it.

Investment is very simple, but people make it complicated. It is better to conduct analysis on your own rather depend on unreliable grapevines.

Interested to discover more on how to reap high profits with low risks investment methods?

Call us at: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Choosing the right stocks to invest

Choosing the right stocks to invest

Making money from investment depend on picking the right stocks.

Once you have selected the right stocks, making money is no more a problem!

One of the ways for stocks’ selection: Choose an upward stock.

Examples: Singapore stock SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd (SIIC)

Singapore stock SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd (SIIC)

According to the chart shown, the Singapore stock SIIC is an upward stock.

You can rely on the following guides:

RAINBOW – the stock is in the Safe Zone (Green area).

OLA – When OLA is at the low levels, curves moved in upward direction (let you know in advance).

Tipping Point – Then tipping point appeared, next day stock price rise. Buy!

If after much time and efforts are expended to do analysis and the end returns are similar, then you have to re-look into your investment methodologies. To those who has successfully find a profitable way to invest, congratulation to you!

In the event after spending valuable time doing researches and the results are still unsatisfactory, then it is definitely time to review your investment method!

INSIDERS can help you overcome these investments’ dilemmas with easy methods to make money.

Eager to learn more about our investment software INSIDERS?

Please call 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Simple investment on UK stock Lloyds Banking Group PLC

Simple investment on UK stock Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY)

Today the UK stock, Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY) Company’ listed in FTSE 100 charting, ranked first in trading volume.

FTSE 100

The following is a six-month stock price movements’ chart of Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY) analyzed by INSIDERS:

Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY)

During the February of this year, RAINBOW indicated that Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY) shares belong to the Fast Zone, as you can see clearly that its share price rose very fast at that time. Similarly, OLA has forecasted that its future trend will be going up; as tipping point also appeared, letting you buy and hold.

When the sell signals appeared, you find that its share price has settled at the upper end of the OLA, indicating that the stock price has reached a very high price; yet the share price fell on the next day. Sell it and take profit.

RAINBOW reveal that Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY) shares are now in Shaky Zone – adjustment area.

Cautiously continue to monitor the trend of this stock, if it can breakthrough the adjustment area, then the share price will likely to increase rapidly.

This powerful software INSIDERS can help you analyze easily the trend of any stock regardless of any country’s market!

If you have any enquiry about stock, futures, Forex or commodities, please email to: , thank you.

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RAINBOW’s Four Major Selling Points

RAINBOW’s Four Major Selling Points

RAINBOW – the latest release features of the INSIDERS investment software.

RAINBOW – comprising of 4 colors: red, blue, yellow and green; with each representing a different phase.

The red area represents the RISK Zone, indicating the stock price is moving slowly reaching its peak.

Blue and yellow area are FAST Zone, signal that the stock price is rising relatively quick and fast. Trading at this time allow you to make FAST MONEY.

Should the stock price move in between Blue and Yellow, this is a SHAKY Zone area. A period of share price adjustments or side way movements. At this time you should observe first before consider arbitraging.

Green area is a SAFE zone. This so-called safe zone belong to the low price stocks that are rising at a relatively slow rate. So when the stock prices emerge through this stage accompany with OLA appearance and the buy signal or Spicy Chilli entry price displayed – enter.

Investment software INSIDERS new feature Rainbow

RAINBOW features cannot be applied into other investment software. It has no effect if used in a conventional technical analysis chart.

With the combination of RAINBOW and OLA these two features, our INSIDERS investment software become more powerful!

Benefits of RAINBOW:

1. Shorten the analysis time:
Analyze the stock prices based on the phase of RAINBOW, enabling you to decide whether to buy or sell off the stocks. If in an adjustment phase, you can decide to temporarily arbitrage and so on.

2. Identify the Bottom entry point and the right timing to buy, thus reducing your risks of entry at high price.

3. Surged timing enable you to adjust for share price spirals.

4. Provide share price analysis according to phases – adjustment phase, surged timing, drop zone.

Interested to know more on RAINBOW?

Kindly email us if you have any enquiry on stocks, Forex, Futures or Commodities.

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Slight Adjustment In Investment Can Save You From Losses

Slight Adjustment In Investment Can Save You From Losses

Most investors are losing maximum profits at the expense of the minimum gained!

It is therefore important to identify the key factors of your losses.

Refer the chart below: Malaysia Stock LTKM Berhad 7085 – buying it at low and selling it at high.

Malaysia Stock LTKM Berhad 7085

You just have to do a slight adjustment and you will see a difference in your investment result which allows you to generate big profits with minimum losses.

The key point to remember is to buy at the low price to make profits from the stocks instead of busily competing with others to grab stocks in the market.

Hotline:012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Investment tips regarding foreign stocks’ markets

Investment tips regarding foreign stocks’ markets

How to overcome these cumbersome investment obstacles?

1. Hesitant to analyze Companies’ reports
2. Reliability on news reports
3. Unfamiliarity with complicated charts

With INSIDERS, you can avoid all these. Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are an outdated investment methods.

With the most advanced high-tech investment software called INSIDERS, which applies Artificial Intelligence Technology (AI Technology), it is not only simple, easy and practical to use, but also help you to reduce risks and increase profits in trading.

Refer to the following example: Canadian Stock Cooper Fox Metals Inc (CUU)

Canadian Stock Cooper Fox Metals Inc (CUU)

According to the figure shown, CUU earned up to twice its profits in the short term period.

Invest in foreign stocks by just basing on trading signals provided by INSIDERS.

When buy signal occurs, the next day the stock rise, then buy. Hold until the sell signals appear and the next day if share price falls, sell off.

As long as you know how to use INSIDERS signals and irrespective any country stocks’ markets you are investing, you can still make money.

For more info about our INSIDERS Investment Software, please contact us at 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723.

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Recognising NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil entry points at a glance

Recognising NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil entry points at a glance

The problem:

1. Most new investors starting to invest in commodities follow their intuitions or
market rumors.
2. Not knowing when to buy or enter the market at the wrong time.

There are several ways to look for the trading entry points that might involve a lot of time to do analysis and yet may not be accurate.

Anguish no more! Let us teach you how to overcome this problem!

The following chart: Recognizing NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil (CL) entry points at a glance

NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil (CL)

INSIDERS, an investment tool that can definitely guide and find you investment solutions with minimum efforts and time.

In fact, investment is not complicated. The market price movements’ trend whether rise, fall or sideway can easily be overcome.

Even if you really don’t know about the crude oil market, you can still use INSIDERS auxiliary to focus on its price trends. You don’t have to waste time and energy, but just apply the buy low sell high investment strategy.

Let INSIDERS bring you to invest across international borders now!

For more information, please visit:

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JCY International Bhd : Timely Investment is crucial, not dependence on news!

JCY International Bhd : Timely Investment is crucial, not dependence on news!

Investment is not speculation nor based on luck.

If one wants to achieve success in stock market, right timing is the key factor, not dependence on news.

Chart below show the buying of Malaysia stock JCY International Bhd (5161) without rush, and selling it without panic.

Malaysia stock JCY International Bhd (5161)

According to Malaysia stock JCY International Bhd chart shown above, just follow signal provided by INSIDERS. Buy when OLA begin to detect the lower price together with Tipping point signal. Wait patiently for sell signal to appear and once it appears, take profit from it should the stock price drop the next day.

Depending on news may not increase your profits; on the contrary, right timing investing allow you the opportunity to win.

At the same time, the latest developed Rainbow signals can alert you at a glance, the security zone (green) and risky zone (red) of a stock.

Interested to discover more on our latest Rainbow signals? Contact us at : 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Awaiting to arbitrage Taiwan stock Carry Technology 3054

Awaiting to arbitrage Taiwan stock Carry Technology 3054

Do you know the clarion call “Buy low, Sell high”?

It is every investor wish to achieve “buy low and sell high”.

As this method minimize investment risks and increase profits at the same time.

Is it that really so simple to do it?

The answer will be revealed soon…

Look at the following chart: Taiwan stock Carry Technology Co Ltd 3054

Taiwan stock Carry Technology Co Ltd 3054

According to the chart’s indication, Taiwan stock Carry Technology 3054 stock price increased from the original NT $ 14.15 up to NT $ 24.60 from February 27 to April 2. Within a month, it generated a profit of about NT $ 10.45.

Obviously, SPICY CHILLI + OLA is a good tool to make quick money, as you don’t have to hold your funds for waiting for an opportunity to reap profit.

By following the SPICY CHILLI trading signals + OLA provided by INSIDERS software, “buy low, sell high” is not a hassle!

Question: What are the color features signify?

This is INSIDERS‘ latest feature called RAINBOW.

Its function is to help investors to differentiate investments’ risks.

Red, indicating the risky zone – not recommended to approach the market.

Green, indicating the safe zone – waiting for an opportunity to approach the market coupled with the signals.

The blue and yellow color zone – each representing the fast zone of shares that can earn quick money or use short-term arbitrage.

The chart indicated that the Taiwan stock Carry Technology still has the capacity to rise. OLA also show the future rise direction at the same time, so you can continue to hold and wait to take profits.

INSIDERS present a simple and easy method of investment without relying on newspaper reports or complicated charts nor wasting time doing analysis.

With only a simple trading signal, it pays to double the profits!

Do not hesitate to use INSIDERS, it is just that simple!

The InsiderFormula blog site is updated regularly with new articles, please keep tag of our blog.

If you have enquiries on Stocks, Futures, Commodities or Forex, kindly contact us: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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If you want to get rich, first change your mindset

If you want to get rich, first change your mindset

Actually, the rich and poor is separated by just a line apart. What everyone sees or listen, they are all the same but why is there a difference in wealth possession?

“If You Want To Be Rich, Change Your Mindset Today!”《Money Fish》

Money FishWhat main obstacle hinder you to wealth creation?

The answer is likely: Your mindset! You under estimated your capability to be rich and you perceived only the rich can become richer. All these are just an excuse, if only you can change this negative mindset and concentrate on your target on wealth creation.

Actually investment is not as complicated as you imagined. With the right mindset and simple investment method, moving one step ahead of others, coupled with a strong desire to be rich with persistent and consistent actions, you can build your wealth from nothing.

Your mindset deluded you, not Investment! Start taking action today!

Log on to our website immediately and download this FREE e-book 《Money Fish》 How to create wealth in the stock market with $1000, I believe you will benefit tremendously!

Website link:

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How to lock your profits and conserve it

How to lock your profits and conserve it

The following are: Taiwan stock Darwin Precisions Corp 6120 continuously profit the most effective trading strategies

Taiwan stock Darwin Precisions Corp 6120

The application of INSIDERS Spicy Chilli signals in a simple way to help you accumulate profits.

When you invest in Taiwan stock Darwin 6120 for short term, use “Buy Low, Sell High” strategy. When OLA began to detect the low price, buy based on entry price, sell when it is high to arbitrage. Buy back when its price low again. Repeatedly use this “Buy Low, Sell High” method as it will greatly increase your wealth.

This trading strategy not only allow you to reduce your risks on stocks investing, but at the same time can maximize your returns.

The right investment mindset: After you have sold the stock, you can still buy it back without the necessity having to look for new stocks.

Kindly email us if you have any enquiry regarding shares, Forex, Futures or Commodities.

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ASIABIO: Enter At Right Timing To Profit, Avoided Unusual Stock Prices’ Movements

ASIABIO: Enter At Right Timing To Profit, Avoided Unusual Stock Prices’ Movements

Stock market is being classified as an attractive yet a complex place. Sometimes, even though you have done all the preparatory works before entering the market, it is possible that you might have bought the wrong stocks.

If there is a simple, high accuracy investment software to assist you, would you like to try it?

Chart below show one can instantly profit from the investment in Malaysia stock ASIABIO 0150 right upon entering the market.

Malaysia stock ASIABIO 0150

According to the Malaysia stock ASIABIO chart shown above, by using the Spicy Chilli signal developed by INSIDERS to buy the stock, within a month, the stock price rose sharply, providing that you to buy low sell high.

In addition, when stock price rises to Red Zone = Risk Zone, it notify you in advance that this is the RISKY zone, thus enabling you to arbitrage on it.

Let me introduce to you one brand new feature recently installed: Rainbow (comprising 4 colors: Green, Yellow, Blue, Red)

Rainbow was officially launched globally on 29 March 2015…

This latest feature not only allow you to reduce risks while investing, but also helps you to gain high returns at the same time.

You are most welcomed to discover more on our latest feature: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Don’t Rely on Inside Information

Don’t Rely on Inside Information

Many investors are relying on inside information or rumors to make investments.

Information / rumors like, I was recommended by XXX blog to buy stocks ABC; I heard from XXX that the stock prices  ABC will be rising soon etc.

If you are still relying on unreliable information or hearsay to buy stocks, an advice to you to discard this “bad habit” mentality immediately.

The first time you profit through inside information, it may be a coincidence and the second time it may be pure luck. However, remember that luck may not favor you all the time.

How reliable are inside information?

Its just like a stranger on the walkway exclaiming to you: “Hey, there is money to pick!”

Do you trust him?

When every Tom, Dick and Harry can get the inside information; do you still consider this information privileged and reliable?

INSIDERS software equipped with an advanced technology and formula, enable you to make investments without relying on any news or inside information!

The following chart: US Intel Corporation (NASQAD: INTC)

US Intel Corporation (NASQAD: INTC)

US Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) is the world’s largest chips manufacturer, with the title of “semiconductor’s hegemony”.

From the chart above, we observed that the price of INTC did rise substantially after the BUY signal appeared.

Where else, the sell signal made its appearance at a very high price. Soon after, the price of INTC slides downward.

From the price of RM36.89 on 9th of December, it fell to RM31.27 on the 1st of April.

Meanwhile, OLA indicated  that the future trend of INTC is on a downward trend.

With self understanding and acknowledgment, you fully know that this share is not recommended for purchasing.

With INSIDERS, grasping the right opportunity to buy/sell stocks and predicting future trends, is no longer a problem.

Interested? Please contact: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

To know more on stocks, Forex, Futures or Commodities inquiries, please email us:

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Hong Kong stocks Yue Shou Environment get double profits

Hong Kong stocks Yue Shou Environment get double profits

Making fast money in the stock market is the dream of every investor.

But what is the actual number of investors making money in stock market?

Very few indeed! How could it be?

One reason is: applying the wrong method.

In order to make money in the stock market, you need to do the right thing by applying the correct method.

Refer to the chart below: Hong Kong Stock Yue Shou Environment (YUESHOU ENV 01191)

Hong Kong Stock Yue Shou Environment (YUESHOU ENV 01191)

Based on the chart shown above, Yue Shou Environment (YUESHOU ENV 01191) enters the market at the right timing to double up its profits.

According to INSIDERS signals, buy when the price goes up after the appearance of tipping point.

Stop loss price is based on the low price of previous two days. With the lowest stop loss level, the greater the returns.

This is the correct way to invest.

For more information about INSIDERS, kindly contact us at 012 – 4757723 / 012 – 4017723.

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Can investing Westpac – an Australian stock – makes profit?

Can investing Westpac – an Australian stock – makes profit?

As life goes on and our age increases.

Our life span getting shorter and our time lesser.

As we gained more experiences, years get diminishing.

Our objective targets seem to veer further, despite modern advanced technologies.

Are you still living with history, using past methods to trade?

Technical analysis or fundamental analysis are obsolete!

Why not give yourself a chance to try out this latest technology – INSIDERS?

INSIDERS are using Artificial Intelligence technologies, that can help you to analyze stocks and detect trading opportunities without any emotional stress.

Let us take a look at Australia stock, Westpac (WBC)

Australia stock, Westpac (WBC)

By using this method, you will be able to earn profits faster using small capitals.

Needs supplementary INSIDERS information?

Just contact us at: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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Malaysia FKLI Futures Trading

Malaysia FKLI Futures Trading

Malaysia KLCI Index Futures (FKLI) current position: Long ( buy and hold )

Malaysia Futures contract (FKLI contract):
Deposit = RM4,000
Per Points = RM50

Take note: Malaysia Futures Trading Sessions is from Monday to Friday:
Morning 8:45 am ~ 12:45 pm
Afternoon 2:30 pm ~ 5:15 pm

Investors can choose to invest in Futures by day trading (Intraday) or Buy & Hold method.

The following chart is Malaysia Futures FKLI: the investment strategies with buy and hold method that may bring profitable results.

Malaysia KLCI Futures Index (FKLI)

Malaysia Futures can be traded by buying up or down.

Buy up (Long) mean, if price rises, you make a profit, otherwise a loss; similarly
buy down (Short) means that if prices fall, you either make a profit or a loss.

Irrespective of any markets’ investments, you have to set cut loss point (SET STOP LOSS) to avoid more losses and also to protect your principal.

If you are in a dilemma of the future market trends or applying the wrong investment strategies, you lose may everything or even incurred more expenses.

Why not consider the use of this investment tools – INSIDERS – to help you to reduce losses and increase your chances of making profits?

For more information, please visit:

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Learn leveraging investment hassle free!

Learn leveraging investment hassle free!

Which type of investors do you belong to? One who invest using 120% efforts or wise methods?

The key to success does not depend on how many things you can do, but on the same things you can do with the least effort.

Irrespective of which markets you are investing, they are the same. If you are not one of the syndicates or speculators, you should follow the trend rather than act contradictory.

Leverage investment is one of the right approaches in investing.

Therefore, let’s invest in the manipulated stocks with right investment tools, in order to reap profits from markets!

Example: S&P 500, Standard & Poor’s 500 Index

S&P 500, Standard & Poor’s 500 Index

As shown in the above chart, you just need to base on the SPICY CHILLI to approach the market.

In the Futures market, you are able to invest in long or short position.

It means that you are able to profits from the market, regardless of the market situations whether good or bad.

Utilize the leverage of wealth = use the least capital to earn maximum profits.

Fully utilize the INSIDERS’s signals to let you manage and control your investment in US Futures market!

Make good use of your capitals and INSIDERS’s signals to plan to diversify your funds wisely.

Keen to learn on investments?

For more investment techniques and related information, visit our site:

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Ready fund for stock opportunities

Ready fund for stock opportunities

Investment will be easy if you do your homework by paying attention on some stocks.

You can identify which stock to buy or sell when the time comes.

China Merchants Bank was established 23 years ago and was listed one of the world’s top 100 large banks, hence becoming one of China’s most influential brand commercial banks.

Chart below: China stock China Merchants Bank SH600036

China Merchants Bank SH600036

According to the chart above show, China Merchants Bank profits approximately 149% within 1 month by applying buy low sell high strategies.

By looking at the chart you will know at a glance when to buy and sell.

Buy when the buy signal appears and next day stock price goes up.

Sell when sell signal appears and next day stock price drops.

At the same time, OLA helps to detect a stock high and low point.

Money generating mechanism: How to use simple method to make money?

If you are still not using the right method in your investment, you need to utilize INSIDERS signal to enter and exit the market at the right timing, in order to lower your risk to generate your greater return.

For more information about investment software INSIDERS, kindly contact us at 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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COMEX Silver Futures investment

COMEX Silver Futures investment

Silver Futures (SI) investment can generate profits by long or short positions.

Commodities investments include gold, crude oil, agricultural products etc. Silver is among one of them.

To trade physical Silver, you must pay the full (100%) fund amount; where else in the commodities market, you just required a very small capital to invest.

Not many people are investing in physical silver as investment items as it is not easy to convert it into cash as compared to gold, due to its lack of liquidity.

COMEX Silver SI Commodities investment

In the bull and bear markets, investment in the commodities market can be profitable, as this is a two way trading market. You can make profits by buying up or down.

Referring to the chart above, trade according to SPICY CHILLI entry and exit signals.

Minor adjustment recommendation: Buy low, Sell high, and follow the silver price movements, then strike decisively when opportunities arise!

If you are interested to learn more on how to invest in Stocks, Futures, Commodities or Forex etc. Please contact us at: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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How to make $2000 in 1 month?

How to make $2000 in 1 month?

The method is very simple……

I will tell you the process on how to make $2000 in 1 month.

…. saying is easy, but it will be difficult without a proper guidance!

  1. First, focus on 3 stocks that will enable you to earn $100 from each stock in 1 week. (Profit $300/week)
  2. Identify low risk profitable stocks.
  3. Utilize the signals provided by INSIDERS.
  4. Accumulate your investment funds until you can invest in 5 stocks per week. (Profit $500/week)
  5. Your monthly target therefore would be approximately $2000.
  6. Repeat step 1 – 3
  7. Thus you will achieve your increasing monthly income at $3000, $4000…

Chart shown below is the stock that you may consider investing: Malaysia stock Mitra 9571

How to make $ 2000 in 1 month? Mitra 9571

Buying and selling Mitra will enable you to made RM0.60 = RM600 (1000 units)

According to the chart above, Mitra is on the uptrend.

  1. OLA detected Mitra future stock price is on the uptrend.
  2. Buy when OLA detected the low point together with the appearance of buy signal; the next day stock price goes up.
  3. Sell when OLA detected the high point together with the appearance of sell signal; the next day stock price drops.
  4. Currently OLA has detected the low point; next wait for INSIDERS signal…..

Follow the steps in order to make profits in the stock market to earn high returns with low risks.

For more information about investment software INSIDERS, kindly contact us at 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723.

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Essential secrets of investing in Foreign Markets

Essential secrets of investing in Foreign Markets

Besides investing in Malaysia Stocks Market, are you thinking on how to invest in Foreign markets such as United States, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan etc.? Are you knowledgeable and familiar to invest in foreign stocks market?

Worrying on the illiquidity of the stocks?

There are two main reasons on why stocks cannot be sold out, selecting the wrong stocks and selecting the wrong timing to sell.

INSIDERS will free you from these dilemma!

INSIDERS provides the high accuracy signals and Current Market Situation (CMS) on the respective countries beside filtering those manipulated stocks.

Example: US Stock NYSE Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRK.A)

US Stock Berkshire Hathaway Inc BRK.A

Berkshire Hathaway Inc By Warrant Buffett was founded in 1956.

According to the chart shown, make profits by buying low and selling at high.

Buy the shares, when buy signal appear and the share price rises on the next day.

Sell them when the sell signal appear and the share price drop on the next day.

In addition, OLA also help to catch the high and low points of the share.

Here, we are relating  an example on how to invest in Warren Buffett’s stock without using any complex methods.

Stock Investment Strategy: Enter into and Exit from the market timely.

Irrespective of any foreign stock markets, you are still able to make money, as long as you follow INSIDERS signals.

To discover more about our system, please contact us: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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How to hedge in FXCM investment?

How to hedge in FXCM investment?

On January 15, 2015, the Swiss National Bank suddenly announced the abolition of the ‘lower limit of 1.20 EURCHF’, which has been implemented for years.

The released news cause an earthquake to the global foreign exchange market, where large numbers of foreign banks and foreign exchange brokers suffered.

Even the first Forex broker listed on the New York Stock Exchange FXCM, was caught unaware and suffered seriously, dragged by this news and direct limit down.

FXCM’s shares price fell to $2 from $17, the loss exceeded 2 billion dollars; a decline of nearly 90% .

Incidentally, if you have invested in the US stock FXCM, how do you hedge it?

Let INSIDERS demonstrate and guide you!

How to hedge in FXCM investment?

Prior to the occurrence of this breaking news, OLA has already shown a downward trend in this stock, and sell signals has already appeared; prompting you to quickly sell the shares before others’; thus escaped the CHF Tsunami.

Visualizing that if you are using technical analysis or based on news, can you avoid this losses?

Were you just shaken when these happened or are you also a victim of this incident?

To avoid all these pathetic tragedies, you can consider using INSIDERS auxiliary applications to take you to the next level of investment.

Hotline: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

E-mail address:

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Want to earn and enjoy at leisure?

Want to earn and enjoy at leisure?

You can regale yourself to do investment at home to make money, as it is one of the easily way to generate income.

Investing strategies are: stocks’ selections, techniques approaching the market, …

After selecting the stocks, you just need to depend on INSIDERS’s signals to approach the market.

Consider the following example: Malaysia Shares GENETEC 0104 

Malaysia stock GENETEC 0104

Based on the chart shown, buy the shares when buy signal appeared, after buying, the share price increased substantially in just 2 days and generate a total profit of 143%.

Incidentally, you can also observe that the share price has already hit the high of OLA, indicating that it is ready to be arbitraged.

Needs no monitoring or analyzing. Is just that simple!

Eager to know more? Contact us: 012-475 7723/ 012-401 7723

Any inquiries on Shares, Forex, Futures or Commodities, please email us at

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Depending On Salary Alone is Not Enough!

Depending On Salary Alone is Not Enough!

“Plans can never correspond with changes, changes can never harmonize  with your employers’ words.”

In Malaysia [Plans]  salary increases, cannot keep up in tandem with changes in Inflation rate.

Worse still…. infuriating words from your boss may make you an unemployed.

Definitely a struggle for a wage earner.

More frightening is yet to come!

Good and Service Tax (GST) is to be implemented very soon come this April!

Phone reload cards, home appliances, computers, movie tickets, etc, all will be levied GST!

That’s why for a Malaysian to rely on one source of income is insufficient!

Anxious to increase your income sources but lack ideas?

Then, let’s start to invest in FOREX.

Please refer to the following chart: USDJPY

Depending On Salary Alone is Not Enough! Forex USDJPY

Based on the SPICY CHILLI signals provided by INSIDERS, we go for SHORT (Sell) when the red empty dot appears, until the next red full dot appears.

When the red full dot appears, we close the SHORT position, then open the LONG position and hold it until the next red empty dot exists.

Is as simple as ABC, use red EMPTY dot to do SHORT and red FULL dot to do LONG.

According to the chart shown, investors just need to follow the SPICY CHILLI signals to arbitrage almost 1, 836 pips without any difficulties!

This is an easy and pressure free investment strategy:

  • Doesn’t require whole day monitoring.
  • No relying on news
  • No fundamental and technical analysis require
  • Require only small capital

At such, you don’t need to quit your current job to earn an extra income!

Interested to know more?

You are welcomed to discover more about INSIDERS FOREX ——the Forex Trading Software.

For any inquiry on Share, Forex, Commodities or Futures, please email us at

Hotlines: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723

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When to exit Malaysia Stock Wintoni (0141)?

When to exit Malaysia Stock Wintoni (0141)?

Based on the shown chart below, Malaysia stock Wintoni (0141) started making profits when first listed in the market.

When to exit Malaysia Stock Wintoni (0141)?

During the interim waiting period, the signals provided by INSIDERS helps you to save time while waiting for the stock price to rise (saving approximately 4 months).

It allows you the right timing to enter the market and reap profits from it.

Buy when buy signal appear the next day showing the stock price increase, slowly boosting up from 7 ¢ to 34.5¢ (approximately 500% of amplitude).

When to exit Malaysia Stock Wintoni (0141)?

Extracts from the best-selling book ‘Creating Wealth in Stock Market,’

Anti – market to win

Anti – market perceptions and modes of operations:

  1. When people feel despair, you should be bold.
  2. When people hesitate, you have to be decisive
  3. When people go frenzy, you should have clarity
  4. When there are few people avoiding, you should be approaching
  5. When people are pursuing, you should be deserting

For more information about investment software, kindly contact us at 012 – 475 7723 / 012 – 401 7723

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Women participation in investments enhance their standard and knowledge in society

Women participation in investments enhance their standard and knowledge in society

In this millennium, women are more independent and have the ability to earn money and support their family economy anytime. Therefore, which field is considered suitable for women in this society?

Female can be an entrepreneurs by utilizing their professional skills and interests in sales of beauty products, clothing, handicrafts, cooking, culinary, designs and so on.

As we are aware, it is not easy to upstart a business, as many things have to be taken into considerations such as business plan, identifying your competitors, capital start up, overhead cost and so on.

In fact, most women have difficulties choosing a proper field earning more money rather than facing problem funding initial capital for business.

A recommended leeway for women to consider is investment. Investment does not required large capital amount or time consumption and can still make money at home with ease.

Irrespective of groupings composing of students, married women, middle-age women, or people from different levels of demographic groups, can start to invest in Forex to earn some side income. The choice is not limited to only Forex market, but other different markets including stocks, futures, commodities etc.

How to make money by in Forex?

Forex GBPUSD trading strategies:

Forex GBPUSD trading strategies

Forex investment market is popular and well known to everyone. Is simple and just based on the signals. SPICY CHILLI signals let you know the entry and exit price in advance!

Investing in Forex is another choice to make easy money.

Doing investment and taking care of your family at the same time will not deprive you of the family’s precious time! Forex investment not only allow you to spend your time freely and earn extra money, but added help in supplementing the family budget expenditure.

For Foreign exchange investment, simply click

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