Twin buy and sell timing is important
Investing in stocks is not about just buying at the right timing but also selling it.
In fact, irrespective of whether you have a big or small capitals, you can also
make an investment. The most important thing is to invest at the right timing.
The following is Spring Gallery Berhad SGB 7165 stock analysis:
Buy at: RM0.685
How to analyze a good timing to buy stocks:
1. When shares price is at low price compartment (RAINBOW green area) and OLA also showed upward trend. When the green buy signal occurred and the stock price rise the next day; buy and withhold.
P/S: April 26 share price suddenly exceeded the OLA trend line and annexed to the RAINBOW’s red zone.
Highest price: RM1.43
A good time to sell shares:
1. When stock suddenly soared high over OLA trend line and hit straight into the RAINBOW’s red zone, which is an unusual stock movements; sell the stock first to keep the profits.
As you have already known; to generate wealth in the stock market, you need is to buy low and sell high.
Therefore, the timing to buy sell at a glance is crucial. In such a situation, INSIDERS will be of tremendous help to you. Contact us NOW to discover more!