Are you an indecisive investor?

Are you an indecisive investor?

Do you know that when you are still indecisive whether to buy or not the stocks, others are already busy reaping their profits?

Let me give you an example,
When the share price dropped, somehow you are still hoping that the price will fall further, your impulse stops you from buying the share, by the time when the price rebound, you are too late

And when the stock price continue to rise, greediness will delude you to think that the price will rise even higher, thus you with hold selling.. Unfortunately, it turns out the reverse way and you are too late to regret.

Have you experienced this before?

Hesitation can sometimes be a major stumbling block in your trading process

If you are facing this dilemma, INSIDERS software is your answer!


Refer to the graph, green signal appeared where the stock price is approximately at its lowest, reminding you to buy. Thus, helping you to reduce market capitalization in the stock market; When stock price goes up, red signal will appear, it is time to sell stocks before it drops again..

OLA (the grey curve) can help you predict the upcoming price trend of the stock. If OLA is moving upwards, even when sell signal do appear, you can also choose not to sell your stocks.

With INSIDERS, selling and buying been so easy, that you don’t have to be in a dilemma any more!

For more information, contact us at 04-8913 200 / 201

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