Category Archives: Futures

Uncover Your Path to Profitable Investments in the FCPO Market

The FCPO Market: A Dynamic Landscape with Unparalleled Wealth Potential The FCPO market holds immense wealth potential, and with the right investment strategies, it can become your new income stream and propel you towards your financial aspirations. CPO: High Volatility, … Continue reading

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How much can I earn in two hours?

How much can I earn in two hours? If the CPO method is correct, the situation should be:1. Number of times: always win2. Make money: have earned + have a loss = still earn3. Win money: win a lot, lose … Continue reading

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United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar 2021 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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KLCI Trend Analysis

KLCI Trend Analysis

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KLCI Before and After Election

KLCI Before and After Election Before election, investors no idea how is the market direction going to happen, but you can predict the stock market easily with INSIDERS. KLCI before election: KLCI after election: Same thing like CIMB, we knew … Continue reading

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新的一年新的开始 昨晚的年庆活动举办成功,WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 恭祝大家农历新年快乐! 看看我们 FatnRich 特别为您准备的新春开运菜和 Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生… 通通都是好意头呀! 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 发财就手:和味猪手 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 发财好市:发菜蚝豉 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 团团圆圆:红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

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2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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2017 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

2017 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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The magic trick to invest in gold commodities contract

The magic trick to invest in gold commodities contract Investing in Gold market is not as simple as you think. The gold price can let you reap profit in beginning but can also turn to losses at any time. The … Continue reading

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INSIDERS restrain you from being a right side trader

INSIDERS restrain you from being a right side trader In the market, experienced traders should be made aware that right side trading is riskier than the left side trading method. From the technical analysis point of view, the right side trading reflects … Continue reading

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With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry !

With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry ! According to the EPF Act, the employer must pay his employees’ contributions (KWSP/EPF) and correspondingly the employees also need to contribute part of their wages monthly. … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Investment and Speculation

The Difference Between Investment and Speculation The difference between investment and speculation is that the capital input method. Investment refers to the acquisition of an asset with the expectation of generating income. In a wider sense, it refers to the … Continue reading

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What is Investment Management?

What is Investment Management? Investment management is creating, managing and multiplying wealth. “Manage your money well and it will automatically fulfill your needs.” Water inflow source is your “Income”, the reservoir water is your “wealth storage” and the outflowing water your … Continue reading

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5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment

5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment You should do a pre-self analysis before venturing into the investment field to circumspect future pitfalls. In the pre-investment stage, do you have your own investment method? Any researches done before you enter the market? The above 5 questions … Continue reading

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The money making secret of trading US Futures DJI ?

The money making secret of trading US Futures DJI ? The ability to catch the correct buy sell direction is the main key for making money in US Futures DJI. The fact that you can’t make money in US Futures … Continue reading

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How do the world perceive you?

How do the world perceive you? Now you are 20 and 30 years of age, are you already recognized by the world? Are you still having the conception that “Young people cannot become a millionaire within a short time”? In this … Continue reading

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12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from Stock Market

12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from Stock Market There are many ways and methods of investing money in the market at the 21st century. Hence, investors can use the golden rules to make the … Continue reading

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FKLI has dropped 79 points within a week!

FKLI has dropped 79 points within a week! Malaysia Futures (FKLI) dropped to about 79 points within a week. Do you know how to short Futures at the high point using a simple method? Reference Chart: Malaysia Futures FKLI After … Continue reading

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INSIDERS’ Investment Secret Weapons

INSIDERS’ Investment Secret Weapons INSIDERS investment software advantages: 1. Using the world’s latest technology. 2. Suitable for all kinds of investment. 3. Simple and easy to learn and use. 4. More precise and accurate than “the traditional technical analysis”. Product … Continue reading

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Anniversary product PROMOTION!

Anniversary product PROMOTION! To celebrate FatnRich 7th anniversary, the Company is launching a great promotion plan, will be selling at 30% sale price off! Grab this great opportunity and claim your book from us now! Owing to the hectic rhythm … Continue reading

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Grabbing the rebound opportunity of Taiwan Weighted Index TWII

Grabbing the rebound opportunity of Taiwan Weighted Index TWII Irrespective of whether the prices rise or fall, investors still make profit from it. The main point is whether you know the right way to invest in TWII. Today we bring … Continue reading

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Malaysia Futures FKLI trend analysis

Malaysia Futures FKLI trend analysis Basing on the buy signals from 15 December 2015, Malaysia Futures trend has been on the uptrend until today. How do you analyze the Malaysia Futures FKLI trend ? Just follow a few simple steps … Continue reading

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Short Malaysia Futures FKLI

Short Malaysia Futures FKLI The trading guidance and signals for Malaysia Futures FKLI. According to the recent sell signals, if you had bought short and hold it until now, it would be fabulous! Refer to the following chart: Malaysia Futures … Continue reading

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The only software with abilities to track the bottom prices in the world-Taiwan Weighted Index (TWII)

The only software with abilities to track the bottom prices in the world-Taiwan Weighted Index (TWII) In the stock market, are you capable to enter into the market buying low and sell high to make a profit? Well, INSIDERS can provide you with the most … Continue reading

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Analysis Software on trading Hong Kong Futures

Analysis Software on Trading Hong Kong Futures Worldwide stock markets are selling under pressure, including Hong Kong stock market keep falling continuously. Yet, why is this made us so excited in Futures trading? Let’s explore the world’s latest gateway to make money with “Futures … Continue reading

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KLCI – the easiest investment indicator for Bursa Malaysia

KLCI – the easiest investment indicator for Bursa Malaysia Basing on the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index KLCI, you can understand the stock market movements up or down. While KLCI is moving downward, are you still buying stocks? You envisaged … Continue reading

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Dow Jones index fell 346.19 points on Monday

Dow Jones index fell 346.19 points on Monday (approximately 1.93%) What factors Dow Jones index to fall 346.19 points in one day? The announcement by Greece the implementation of capital controls and close the banks, lead Asia-Pacific stock markets across … Continue reading

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Successful investment principle for Taiwan Index TWII

Successful investment principle for Taiwan Index TWII Successful primary principle in investing: Follow the market trend instead of acting against it. The market has its own trend, whether it is uptrend or downtrend; the trend direction of the market is … Continue reading

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Malaysia Futures index trend: Short

Malaysia Futures index trend: Short Many investors do not know that the stock market is currently at the down trend. Why not short Futures? See the following chart and you will understand the Malaysia Futures FKLI market trend at a … Continue reading

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China SSE Composite Index’s Trend

China SSE Composite Index’s Trend Example below: China SSE Composite Index SH000001 From the chart above, it is clearly shown that after a slight price adjustment SSE Composite Index begins to rise continuously. Anxious to know on how to judge the future trends … Continue reading

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Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles

Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles  Instead of self retroflection, we often blame others for our miseries like been born to a poor family; poor family background; bad luck; no financial supporters etc. We should not give in to misfortunes and … Continue reading

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Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Investment Secret Method

Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Investment Secret Method Investment strategy: 1. Predict the future trends in advance 2. Enter the market with right direction 3. Enter the market at right timing Problem: 1. How to predict the future trend? 2. … Continue reading

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Using FKLI as leeway against GST

Using FKLI as leeway against GST Our country price adjustments to increase revenue with the implementation of GST is creating havoc in our people’s daily life. On 1st April 2015, the Good & Service Taxes was enforced. This causes most … Continue reading

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RAINBOW’s Four Major Selling Points

RAINBOW’s Four Major Selling Points RAINBOW – the latest release features of the INSIDERS investment software. RAINBOW – comprising of 4 colors: red, blue, yellow and green; with each representing a different phase. The red area represents the RISK Zone, … Continue reading

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Recognising NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil entry points at a glance

Recognising NYMEX Commodities Crude Oil entry points at a glance The problem: 1. Most new investors starting to invest in commodities follow their intuitions or market rumors. 2. Not knowing when to buy or enter the market at the wrong … Continue reading

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If you want to get rich, first change your mindset

If you want to get rich, first change your mindset Actually, the rich and poor is separated by just a line apart. What everyone sees or listen, they are all the same but why is there a difference in wealth … Continue reading

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Malaysia FKLI Futures Trading

Malaysia FKLI Futures Trading Malaysia KLCI Index Futures (FKLI) current position: Long ( buy and hold ) Malaysia Futures contract (FKLI contract): Deposit = RM4,000 Per Points = RM50 Take note: Malaysia Futures Trading Sessions is from Monday to Friday: … Continue reading

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Learn leveraging investment hassle free!

Learn leveraging investment hassle free! Which type of investors do you belong to? One who invest using 120% efforts or wise methods? The key to success does not depend on how many things you can do, but on the same things you can … Continue reading

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Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index: The Conduit to Wealth

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index: The Conduit to Wealth Key to creating wealth: “Selection is more important than exertion.”  Do keep in mind that investment is definitely not a game of luck, it is 70% on the choice, 20% on the efforts … Continue reading

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When are you going to sharpen your saw?

Just ponder for a moment . . . When are you going to sharpen your saw? This matter is similar like investing in the stock market: When are you going to improve your investment skills? People think that today’s society … Continue reading

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Savvy Risks Management

Savvy Risks Management There are numerous risks and unexpected variable changes in the stock market. Most people have the misconception that investment is not that simple. And some would say: The most dangerous place is the safest sanctuary! High risks, … Continue reading

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Investment success depends on your skills

Investment success depends on your skills As long as the right method is applied in trading, investors will make money. However, why are some veterans facing losses, while the novices are making profits from the market? What’s the secret? Many … Continue reading

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The Technique of Earning Profits during Bear Market

The Technique of Earning Profits during Bear Market Your success is … by chance or just pure luck? Malaysia stock market is currently facing a downturn and most of the stock prices continued to decline. As investors, are you looking … Continue reading

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Four Stock Market in on the uptrend

Four Stock Market in on the uptrend ! Seize the stock market investment opportunity! Four Stock Markets in —— United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore – is on the uptrend. Currently, these four Stock Markets has rebound and is on uptrend and … Continue reading

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Secrets of the rich: Who says the poor cannot invest to get rich?

Secrets of the rich: Who says the poor cannot invest to get rich? What is investment? Most people define it as a method of money begets money. Investment does not guarantee that you will make profits, but without investment, you … Continue reading

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“Historical Data” no longer works!

“Historical Data” no longer works! In the stock market, there are some stocks’ analysis which based on historical data to predict the future price trends. Unfortunately, historical data that are being used may not necessary reflects the future trends. If … Continue reading

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“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki – Investment ways

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki Perhaps you are blaming your parents for giving birth to you in a poverty stricken environments and not with a silver spoon in the mouth. Blaming them for not being able to pay … Continue reading

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Financial Bandwagon Effect

Herd Mentality —— Is one who lacks confident and firmness in decision-making or taking, leading him/her to act in a parallel manner conscientiously according to the majority of people surround. It is the inherent human nature to have this instinct that … Continue reading

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U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high!

U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high! The U.S. stock market price has surged continuously and recently the investors celebrate the rise, not forgetting that the market can also fool the investors. When the market is on … Continue reading

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Investing knowledge: About RISK

Investing knowledge: About RISK Investors that invest in risky shares in the market has the misconception that they can earn higher profits. It is true? No, and not a reality! In the share market, there are actually some potential shares … Continue reading

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