Tag Archives: stock market

An Intriguing Investment Tale: Why Do Investors Bring Ladders to the Stock Market?

Have you ever wondered why investors carry ladders to the stock market? The answer actually resides in the fascinating world of ever-expanding profits! In the realm of investment, the growth of profits is akin to a ladder, enabling investors to … Continue reading

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Do you need complicated technical analysis to analyze stock?

Do you need complicated technical analysis to analyze stock?  How many technical indicators do you need referring to consider the best timing for buying and selling stocks? Analyzing a stock takes time and if you possess many stocks, a lot … Continue reading

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How to know the rising stock price and abstain from rush selling?

How to know the rising stock price and abstain from rush selling? After buying the stock and its price rose, what are the likely problems investors normally encountered? # 1: Unsure how much the stock price will rise further? # … Continue reading

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UK Stock : VODAFONE While you are still waiting and seeking for opportunities, others would have already started to take actions with new investment methods generating a better results outcome. Ever ponder why you want to buy shares? Aren’t your … Continue reading

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INSIDERS Stock Market Profit Strategy

INSIDERS Stock Market Profit Strategy In the stock market, 95% of people do not buy the stock at the right timing. So, how to determine the right timing to make profit? ….. After buying the stock, the stock price is … Continue reading

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Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method

Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method To avoid the mistakes made by about 95% of the traders and to turn them into successful investors like the 5%, is indeed an arduous task!  You should not follow blindly the majority accepted views, but instead should … Continue reading

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How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes

How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes Keen to know on how to earn more and loss less from stock investments? If you want to earn money in stock investments, consider the two major points: #1 Look … Continue reading

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Why You Should Use INSIDERS

Why You Should Use INSIDERS In the financial sector, investors must be one step ahead of others to obtain the lowest price, in order to earn profits. That is why you should use the smart investment software INSIDERS! One of … Continue reading

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Stock Investment: Never Thought It Is So Simple

Stock Investment: Never Thought It Is So Simple Three essential steps of stock investment: Step 1: Select stock. Step 2: Enter the stock market one step ahead of others. Step 3: One step ahead of others at the nascent appearance … Continue reading

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Are you still doing the unnecessary stocks’ analysis?

Are you still doing the unnecessary stocks’ analysis? How to approach at the lowest price in Singapore’s stocks investment CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited? Every investors are hoping that they can buy at a relatively low price, and sell at high … Continue reading

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The traditional profitable formula is always : buy low and sell high

The traditional profitable formula is always : buy low and sell high If you know how to “buy low and sell high”, then you can be termed a wise investor … Do you agree? It is good to buy low … Continue reading

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Inquisitive To Know More On How To Buy Low Sell High In The Short-term?

Inquisitive To Know More On How To Buy Low Sell High In The Short-term? People often ignore the market when the stock price falls sharply, even though there still exist the profitable opportunities. During the stocks fall time, investors accumulate … Continue reading

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The advantages of INSIDERS

The advantages of INSIDERS Everyone is searching for the stocks’ bottom price. As long as we are able to determine the bottom point, then we can Buy Low and Sell High. Do you know the importance of the Bottom Point? Refer the … Continue reading

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The method in finding the rising stock tipping point : Eforce 0056

The method in finding the rising stock tipping point : Eforce 0056 Glued to your computer but yet still fail to detect flaws in the stock market? If you are not disinclined to complicated analysis charts, why not consider INSIDERS … Continue reading

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A big loss now if you didn’t sell GTRONIC earlier!

A big loss now if you didn’t sell GTRONIC earlier! Using with holding stock method on long-term basis is no more relevant in this era. When stock market falls; stock prices also fall and it is not recommended to withhold! … Continue reading

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INSIDERS has the strongest equity of Bottom Point Signal

INSIDERS has the strongest equity of Bottom Point Signal How to invest differently from Warren Buffett ? It is the only unique one that has the capacity to capture the Bottom Point, which every investors are hopefully looking forward to. … Continue reading

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Chin Poon 2355 stock trend : Has the share price reached the top ?

Chin Poon 2355 stock trend : Has the share price reached the top ?  What do you think about Chin Poon current share price? To sell or to continue to hold?. Refer to the chart below: Chin Poon Industrial Co Ltd 2355 INSIDERS chart … Continue reading

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Wrong investment method does not generate money

Wrong investment method does not generate money When the stocks are down and you are not selling, how can you make profits from it ? The main reason you make an investment is to make money and if you neither … Continue reading

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Have you bought AirAsia stock?

Have you bought AirAsia stock? Did you buy the AirAsia stock at the right timing? AirAsia is Malaysian investors favorite stock. When is the right timing to buy the stock? Profitable investment requires the right timing. Reference Chart: Malaysia stock … Continue reading

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Golden time for stock trading

Golden time for stock trading Traders wishing to reap profits from the stock market should buy low sell high. The timing for trading is important. If you respond only after the price has risen, then you has missed the profit … Continue reading

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Difficult to make money in stock market with RM1000?

Difficult to make money in stock market with RM1000? Even though with a small capital, you can still make money in the stock market. See how you earn extra income. Reference Chart: Malaysia stock RAYA INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (RAYA 0080) Investment … Continue reading

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Anxieties over investments?

Anxieties over investments? Feel apprehensive every-time you invest? Well, stock investment is not that fearful if the right method is applied So how do I know the method I used is right? Refer the diagram below: Pan African Resources Plc … Continue reading

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Short Term Trading in Stock

Short Term Trading in Stock Majority of traders consider buying stocks are for long term duration. In actual fact, it can also be traded for short term period. When the timing is right, you must grab it before it is gone. In other words, Buy and Sell at the … Continue reading

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Let’s Use A Few Minutes To Juxtapose With Seasoned Investor Experiences

Let’s Use A Few Minutes To Juxtapose With Seasoned Investor Experiences With our inexperience in investments, it is better to learn from seasoned investors’ experiences. Time has changed. The increase availability of investment tools has made investment easier. INSIDERS, a … Continue reading

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The Bottom Price of Taiwan Stock Gigastorage Corporation

The Bottom Price of Taiwan Stock Gigastorage Corporation The aim of investing in stocks is to make money and to be able to do that, one must try to buy low sell high. However, many investors find hard to determine … Continue reading

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The Secret of Buying UK Stock to Earn Money

The Secret of Buying UK Stock to Earn Money Buying stock is meant to make money. Avoid buying stocks that cannot help you to make money. Sometimes you have to cut loss when some stocks are losing money. Stock investment … Continue reading

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Having difficulties with your investments ?

Having difficulties with your investments ? People have difficulties handling their investments, how about you? Want to know the easy way to invest ? What you need is only to buy at the bottom price and earning easy money is not … Continue reading

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Pre-emptive measures in the stock market

Pre-emptive measures in the stock market Two investment techniques to acquire: #1: In an unfavorable trading situations – stop loss! #2: Knowing how to sell surplus stocks. This are the techniques to protect yourself. Refer to the following chart: US … Continue reading

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Your long search for “The Buy Low” formula is here!

Your long search for “The Buy Low” formula is here! Is it possible to make double profits with low capital? Yes, you can, if you’re using INSIDERS investment software. The reason is, INSIDERS provides the buy sell signals which is different … Continue reading

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Ways to Invest In Blue Chip Stocks

Ways to Invest In Blue Chip Stocks Is fundamental analysis necessary in investing? Doesn’t it sounds good if you can buy low sell high? In any countries like US, Hong Kong, Singapore etc, as long as you have money, accumulate the shares … Continue reading

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The latest rainbow formulae: Forecast the future!

The latest rainbow formulae: Forecast the future! If your investment software could predict the future… Wouldn’t it be a good thing?… Especially on the AAX future… 27th March INSIDERS already predicted the future. Refers to Malaysia stock AirAsia X (AAX: 5238) future: If the … Continue reading

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Free Stock Lesson – The essence of the stock market operation strategies

Free Stock Lesson – The essence of the stock market operation strategies High trading volume: When investors are pursuing for higher prices on intended stocks, it is advisable you exit or refrain totally from pursuing. Low trading volume: When market have less people pursuing, you … Continue reading

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Free stocks lesson on – Stop Loss Point

Free stocks lesson on – Stop Loss Point What is Stop loss point? When the stock prices keep going up, set up a sell off profit point. The purpose of making a sell off profit point is to ensure that you … Continue reading

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Trend On Singapore STI

Trend On Singapore STI One of the main functions of INSIDERS is to provide the best bottom price signal in the world. Refer to the chart below: Singapore Straits Times Index (STI) Why do some investors loss in the stock market? It is … Continue reading

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Having no investment experience is not a problem

Having no investment experience is not a problem Having no directions or clueless on how to start an investment? Well, we displayed below two trend charts to evaluate whether you can you analyse the stock’s movements. Below are the diagrams of Taiwan stocks Ares International Corporation 2471: … Continue reading

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Perfect buy time indicator

Perfect buy time indicator Allow investors to understand the buy stocks timing and the whole market trend through the Malaysia Composite Index irrespective of whether is up or down. Of course, the most frustrating period is to determine the bottom price. Have you … Continue reading

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Is Genting stock suitable for long-term holding?

Is Genting stock suitable for long-term holding? Many people has great expectation from Genting Malaysia stock to get rich quickly, but the truth often let them down. Refer to the following chart: Malaysia stock Genting 3182 INSIDERS chart shows that … Continue reading

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SKP Resources – 7155WA Stock Investment Method

SKP Resources – 7155WA Stock Investment Method Everyone look for profitable investment stock tips and it is difficult to detect its authenticity, but once you know the tricks, it will be very easy. The following chart illustrate the method to invest of Malaysia stock SKP Resources 7155WA … Continue reading

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AirAsia stock is still low

AirAsia stock is still low Air Asia is still low and show no signs of improvement yet. A lot of investor misconceive that the time has come for buying. Blindly buying and causes heavy losses. Many of them are involved … Continue reading

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KLCI – the easiest investment indicator for Bursa Malaysia

KLCI – the easiest investment indicator for Bursa Malaysia Basing on the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index KLCI, you can understand the stock market movements up or down. While KLCI is moving downward, are you still buying stocks? You envisaged … Continue reading

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Choice Of A New Financial Investment

Choice Of A New Financial Investment Are complicated charts confusing you to make investments’ decisions? It not only take times to analyze but also good patience endurance to decide! If there is a new program that can save valuable time … Continue reading

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Perplexed at stock market figures?

Perplexed at stock market figures? Does fundamental analysis method still works? Still relying on past or future news? Is there a way to teach the inexperienced investors to master the stock market within an hour? Incidentally, there is an easy … Continue reading

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How to prevent earned money from losing at investment

How to prevent earned money from losing at investment Encountering the right timing problem to sell off your stock on hand after investment? Most investors after entering the market, spend precious time staring at the screen awaiting for the stock … Continue reading

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Earning Easy Money Is Not A Dream

Earning Easy Money Is Not A Dream Are you still waiting for pay day? Wages is never enough to cover the cost of your monthly earning. Want to earn quick money within a short period, but clueless? Let INSIDERS help you , …… With … Continue reading

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Two methods to make profit in stock investments

Two methods to make profit in stock investments The ultimate goal of investment is only make profits. Whatever methods you used; short-term or long-term, as long as it makes profit, it is a good method. There are two ways to … Continue reading

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Malaysia Futures index trend: Short

Malaysia Futures index trend: Short Many investors do not know that the stock market is currently at the down trend. Why not short Futures? See the following chart and you will understand the Malaysia Futures FKLI market trend at a … Continue reading

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Market upward trend ending soon! It is time to sell?

Market upward trend ending soon! It is time to sell? Today, as we shall analyze the well known Malaysia stock – Managepay Systems Berhad (MPAY 0156). For the past few months, investors has been speculating on MPAY’s share price and … Continue reading

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Relying on investment software is not a requirement, but a necessity!

Relying on investment software is not a requirement, but a necessity! Why so? Some people think that they can to do their own research or study about fundamental or technical analysis and so on. The purpose of researching is to … Continue reading

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Entry Point Dilemma?

Entry Point Dilemma? In stock market, investors are always hoping that they can enter at the lowest possible price and sell at highest possible price. However, how many investors have the ability to do this? You perceived that the stock is at its … Continue reading

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Signage of TECNIC (9741) sharp rise

Signage of TECNIC (9741) sharp rise INSIDERS stock investment software signal commentary: 1. Before the stock went skyrocketing, OLA has detected its upward movements. 2. When the stock price reaches the bottom, OLA show a rebound in share prices. Examples: … Continue reading

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