U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high!

U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high!

The U.S. stock market price has surged continuously and recently the investors celebrate the rise, not forgetting that the market can also fool the investors. When the market is on the up surged, it often cause some investors to be greedy, they chase high and buy high; and when the market price falls, it create fear on them.

In investing, investors should not be greedy nor feel fearful. These two factors often cause investors to lose money in the market, so investors have to be cautious at this time.

“Investment is not dangerous but greed is.”

95% of people in the market lose money because of greed, while the other 5% of people earn money from this 95% of people. To become the 5% successful people in the market, you should understand these 95% people timing approaches.


Question: Do you only enter the market now while market price is on the rising track?

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